
@Error601: This article is sensationalizing what is a minor annoyance of the platform. Could it be done better? Hell yes, totally. Like many Google products it lacks polish that makes it user-friendly enough for the masses. However, I have 50+ apps in use, and they got there via the Marketplace, and when I don't

Anyone who has paid 1.99 per MB in the past, present or future, myself included, should be recieving a refund. That's a rediculously inflated price by any standard of measurement. My favorite part was before I had my data plan, and they would charge me a per MB usage fee to download software from Get it Now, their

Cheer up, man. Or die, and let the rest of us live in the world we enjoy because of advances in technology.

Woah, I guess I've got a ways to go... Yeah.

I have System Panel installed on my Droid, but I only use it to kill apps I need to force close. I'd say I open it up about once a month. When I'm doing app searching, trying all the different flavors of, say, music players, I often run into one that just doesn't work, and I need to force close it. For that, System

I'd be interested, if the data were available, to see how much of this is corporate or small business vs. retail/home use. I'm of the opinion that businesses are replacing IT equipment that had been put off due to economic woes combined with the Vista dibacle. I think we will continue to see an overall decline of

@Live N Learn: Perhaps they haven't been washed in a while?

It really is true, and proof is evident in the actual product. I walked into Verizon 6 months ago, undecided on which phone to get. I knew I wanted Android, but I wasn't quite sure which of the three (at the time) offerings I wanted. The Droid Eris looked much more stylish and cool, but the Droid's stats were an

This chart tells me what I already kind of knew, but it's good to have confirmation. My Xbox will do everything I need, so I don't need a Google TV or Boxee.

@Islandkiwi: Faster, smoother browsing. Load times about 1/10th of IE. Chrome's free and installs in seconds. Why WOULDN'T you?

Funny. I was at a gas station yesterday, and they had just put in a Blockbuster Express machine (think red box, only blue). They added it some time this week. That's a funny thing to do for a company filing for bankruptcy.

Why is there no Google Docs app for Android? Specifically, the Docs version of Excel (whatever they call it) doesn't play nice with the built in phone browser. I can view, but editting is a pain. It's their OS, you'd think they would support it.

@Feyhra: Yeah, it happens here too. I torrent Doctor Who and its off-shoots.

I own a Wii. I never use it. I'll stick with my Xbox, and no, I'm not getting Kinect either.

No, Iwill never go back. Life's too sweet with a do-all that fits in my pocket. I used to be jealous of people with GPS and the latest and greatest in pocket computing. I've had a cell phone since around 1999, but this is my first smartphone. I have everything I've previously covetted in my pocket right now.

A tablet will replace my laptop when it can do everything I do with my laptop. My laptop did replace my desktop as my primary computer about a year ago, but that's because it was a 1 to 1 switch out with the added benefit of portability. Tablets don't have keyboards, and they don't run any normal computer software.

@NakedEskimo: Well, I figure everyone has bad days, so I'm inclined to forgive them once. But the mystical process, that has been explained but I still don't quite grok, for getting a star does seem kind of whimsical to me. I'm led to believe that some of these people were starred on the exception of a good comment