
@chlkaufman: This is exactly the type of dependence on big business promotion that I hope to see go away with the proliferration of e-books. Look at music. With MP3's, social networking, self publishing, etc I no longer need to listen to top 40 radio, or read magazines more full of themselves than good music, in

So, fast forward to today. If someone made an app for the iPhone allowing free calling to anywhere, what would happen?

Doesn't the Droid 2 come with Swype installed? If it's still in beta, how does that work. Do all Droid 2 owners become beta testers?

Duh. Don't believe everything Apple tries to start a trend with.

@JoeVampire: The problem, I think, was the learning curve was jsut a bit too steep. It really is a new hybrid of gameplay we haven't really seen before, and many people didn't take the time to learn its ins and outs. It was like Starcraft meets Diablo, two games that have fundamental differences. I loved it a lot,

Great. So now when my less video game affluent friends come over to play something, and I'm sheparding them through menus, I'll say:

Other than a $20 GC I get from an aunt every year, I never use Lackluster. There lack of selection always pushes me to other rental chains, especially for videogames. Now with Netflix and my Xbox, I'm not looking back. The author of this article needs to get over the negligible difference in quality between streaming

Google's ad infrastructure explains a lot of this. Many of the apps that are free on Android are ad supported. Wasn't Apple planning on doing something similar with iAd or whatever it was called?

@Rakkoon: Apple hates USB, because that means anything made by anyone could be plugged in. Look at the proprietary dock connector, or the fact that the iPad has no USB ports.

So now I will be able to hear the racial and sexual insults with stunning clarity. Great.

It ever so slightly reminds me, in form factor and storage, of the early digital cameras that would save to 3 1/2" floppies.

@iScuba: Stupid people by smart phones, too.

Translation: The PSP Go was an abysmal failure. We're going to wait before doing that again.

@wheresmyjetpack: Yeah, iOS 4 works perfectly, with all it's features on the 3G. Also, the original iPhone has actually been running iOS 5 for 2 years now. Also, Steve will be personally sending every user their own light suppository so light can shine out their asses, too.

Why would anyone produce a phone running 1.5 now? The Droid Eris, AKA the crappy Verizon Android phone, runs 2.1 with an update. There is no reason I can think of to be running that old of a version. I'm guessing Dell didn't keep up with Google during the design phase, and they're hoping no one buying the phone

The jump from DOS 6.22/Win 3.1 to Windows 95 was difficult for me. I kept trying to do things the hard way, and I hated that I knew where nothing was for the first couple of weeks. I soon got over it, ann like the author, I had a very slight twinge of nostalgia followed immediately by a very adverse reaction to the

@Joe: Why? It's more popular at large with users, it loads quickly and more reliably, and it's the default on two of the three devices. I'm sure Bing works fine too, but Google's simple interface lends itself well to benchmarking.

Not too shabby. I'm happy for now with my Droid, but WP7 isn't nearly the botched release I've come to expect from anything Microsoft does that's not desktop computer based. Based on early looks at the OS itself, I'd consider switching next time up; but the proof is in the pudding, which happens to be app flavored.

I guess he was unable to find a wing hat, cape, or feather.