
I'm quite often to be found giving the finger, in incredibly overt fashions, to devices with, obviously, no ability to "see" me. I should probably stop this before the Kinect comes out. Also, I've done a very in-depth study of which computer cases can take the most abuse. Also, 360 controllers are very resiliant,

M&M robots!

@johnnyleo11: The comma is seperating the two descriptors. CAT5 cable with RJ-45 connectors didn't become the network standard until later.

@Ryan Walton: Oh...why would they release a new cover for last generation?

OKay, there is no mention of AOL and only a passing reference to Compuserve, which, like it or not popularized the in-home dialup internet experience. That's kind of a glaring oversight, along with the inventions of broadband cable and DSL.

That's not a coaxial cable pictured for '76, that's a CAT 5 "modern" networking cable. Coaxial cable is like what they use for cable TV. Networking coax had ends that have a quater-turn quick connect fitting, and they were daisy-chained with T-junctions from device to device and had to have a special cap at the end

@tw@t: The camera one, definitely, and what about the flash? I know Apple has a thing about Flash, but that's a bit literal.

@Ian Logsdon: It looks more like an enclosure, but basically, yes. You too can guarantee abstinence for two years. The Droid 2 looks slightly more attractive (they made the camera part of his eyepiece, etc), but only just. I'm a card carrying member of the Star Wars fandom (I have a screen accurate Jedi costume),

@SKiTz: Probably that second one, as VZW is fond of their branding of others creations.

@MechaTama31: No, planet scanning was a blunder for ME2, no question. I did have this weird experience where it actually mesmerized me for a night, and I just spent 4 hours planet scanning "for fun." I'm pretty sure there must have been a carbon monoxide leak in my apartment or something.

My dad owned a JVC stereo reciever all through my childhood. That thing had the best sound quality I've ever heard in a home theater environment. It was passed to me as a teenager, and unfortunately, I ran it into the ground. Modern electronics just don't reporduce the sound genre capable from vintage 70's

So, do they want a portable turntable installed to? What about a reel-to-reel? 8-track? MP-what? How do I make money without a physical media to sell?!

@beg4: So, it can NOT do lots of stuff considered to be part of the smartphone definition these days for longer. Yay.

Hey, if it's cheaper, I might bite. I've been Kindle-ing on my Droid for a few months now, and it's become my favorite way to consume books. The iPad is too heavy and cumbersome to hold. It just doesn't work well to read in bed or even a chair for extended periods. If I could get something halfway in between with

So, this ad was made in 2004, right? Wait, these are the selling points of a new phone in 2010? A keypad and touchscreen? A music player? It comes in different colors?! I'm surprised he didn't bring up that it runs on digital service, so no more unreliable analog service. Also, the screen is in color. Oooooh!

Am I the only one who loves the mouse, and isn't fond of the trackpad? I know touch is the big thing, but when a mouse can be used, I use it. I keep one in the pack of my laptop. Artists and CAD designers use touch tablets with a stylus, but this doesn't look like that technology. So, is there some massive shift

@indrawnperson: The first one was flawed in so many ways, and they fixed almost everything for the second one. I've beaten both, and I enjoyed the story, but the gameplay of the first game was frustrating in that "throwing my controller in frustration" way. It was just badly designed from a technical standpoint.

Did they mention in the ad how much of a waste of time this game is? I spent 80+ hours clinging desperately to the hope that it would spark some sort of FF nostalgia twinge, as the game was not standing on it's own to feet to be entertaining in any descernible fashion. Nothing. I beat it and did some extra stuff,

The note track being too small may be an issue, but I wonder if it's just the learning curve getting in the way, more than a design issue. If they treat it like a real keyboard, and don't sugar coat it, you will be learning to play an instrument. That takes time. I fully expect to be frustrated, at first. I

@FartSponge: No, it's like comparing Apples and Amazons.