
Sorry Apple,

@ZINO: I don't have an excuse for the VZ branding, other than, judging by the size of the carrot Apple can dangle, Verizon might be willing to negotiate. Software, on the other hand... I have a Moto Droid, and other than a tab in Marketplace for Verizon software, there was no preinstalled crap on my phone. In the

@halmsx: Don't use the keyboard, then. There's an onscreen keyboard, albeit the default Android one. I personally was using the hardware keyboard almost exclusively until I got the Swype beta. Once you got used to the tactile sensation, the hardware keyboard worked fine. This one even has the standard stagger

@Old No.7: So, you'd still be using Chrome.

Selling your soul to Apple is a big no-no, but selling it to Activision/Blizzard is a plus. Hmm...

So the stupid people still outnumber the smart ones, huh? That's all I'm getting from that statement.

@spiegel1: Do NOT try this with the Droid X. There was a post from someone who tried it on the X, and the results were ... unfavorable.

@james.enloe: It was very slow immediately after the reinstall for me, but I figured this would happen, as this happened going to 2.1 as well. Let the phone just sit and percolate on it's new guts for maybe 20 minutes, then do a cold restart. I did this, and haven't had any problems since. I think it's still

@brianfhancock: My router is on its way out, so I had the usual issue of having to reset my router to factory defaults then redo my settings right after the install. This was all external to the phone, though, and I haven't had any issues since. I did have to click the Wifi off and back on to get the initial

I installed this very late last night. A few things:

The tense of the verb in the headline is incorrect. It should have read, "Underwhelming Blackberry SPELLED doom for RIM." This has already happened. There were three years between the release of the original iPhone and now. RIM could have become what Google now is. They had the market placement and resources; but

It's the bottom of a phone. I can't believe there's a question about this.

Final Fantasy XIII was it for me. I'm a FF fan going back to the original, but the prettier the graphics get, the less of anything else to do there seems to be. You were on rails the whole time, yes even after hour 40, the story was not engaging, and the characters were characatures of stereotypes of copies of

Sorry, Kindle and Nook apps are both available for a multitude of devices that do everything, not just read books. I believe the e-reader stand-alone to be a technology that doesn't know it's dead yet. I'm in love with electronic books, but I don't want another device to carry. Your screen is not that impressive.

What's the beef with Amazon, just out of curiosity. They both use DRM, and neither is unfair to the authors. I don't care about publishers, they've been running an exclusive members-only racket for years.

@clearzero: They still sell dumb phones for those people.

We need to start a support group for Crackberry abusers.

OKay, preface: No, I'm not Mac user, but nor am I a Mac hater. I'm a Mac can't-afford-er.

I'm going to ignore this app in a desparate attempt to keep my micromanagement tendencies at bay. I would, of course, find it immensly useful, but I would spend every waking hour tweaking settings, and never actually DO anything with the phone ever again. I already completely redo my desktop arrangement at least