
@mrsilver: They've improved practically every element of the OS from 1.0 to now. I think the default music app is weak, but easily replaceable, and that's about it. I haven't experienced Froyo yet, but as demonstrated by the multitude of versions being run out there, Google is not resting on their laurels.

@technologic: It's not. It's the "DS Lite" concept. Same exact product, only improved hardware. I think they just want to keep Moto's cash-cow current with the marketplace. Droid 1 is still the best selling Android handset out there. They want that to continuw, so they need to keep pace.

It's probably the new blackberry for us to not care in slightest about.

@kring: Innovation is good, but when a consumer sees this thing in a store next to its $20 cousins, it's a hard sell, to say the least. It's undoubtably better, but it's not $400 of better.

@minibeardeath: I sincerely doubt it. Verizon has a dataheavy smartphone infrastructure in place already. If it had been released on VZ in 2007, then yes, it would have killed the service, like it did to AT&T. No one saw this coming, but now they know. AT&T is just taking their sweet time upgrading to fit usage.

This doesn't change the fact that when I bought my copy of Windows 7 from a reputable retailer (Amazon), the little orange ID tag with the CD key on it looked badly photocopied. I have since investigated and found out they all look like that. But seriously, it's slightly out of focus, as if the printers heads were

@dimitri.albino: A very useful, in-depth, reasoning. Thanks! Totally worth the read, at least for me.

$450 dollars! Really? How much does it cost to produce? Probably sub $100-ish. Who do they think they are? Apple?

So do they get their wireless bill paid, or just the phone? I'm assuming that a largish number of their employees may already have a smart phone, and what if they're happy with their iPhone or Droid? Are they required to use the new one?

OKay, this is not a new concept. Politicians and reporters have been doing the "selective hearing" thing and taking bits out of context for decades. During the most recent election, I don't think there was one talking point about the other side that didn't involve some quote being taken out of context. Both parties

This may be the first Joss Whedon project that I've ever been genuinely worried about, quality-wise. I have no doubt that Fox will try to cancel it at some point...wait, nevermind. But seriously, that many people all playing a leading roll (sort of) is daunting. It kind of reminds me of the Xmen series where they

What does the fact that he's a Harry Potter fan have to do with it? Are they saying Potter fans are crazy in general? I'm a Potter fan (playing through it in Lego right now, actually), and I've never stabbed anyone. I don't even think all Twilight fans are crazy. They just have really bad taste.

I buy grey socks, actually, because they look better much longer, but still don't stand out like black does with something that doesn't match black. Other than that, though, I have a preference for Hanes due to their elastic lasting, but FotL seem fine too.

Whining about content is a big one. Why'd you click on the link if it doesn't interest you? Seriously. I fairly liberal with my clicking, often finding an article, in retrospect, not to my taste. I just close that tab in the browser, and move on to the next. Also, "Gizmodo just hates [company (usually Apple)]."

@TheLadyK: Even when shot in 3D, I have an issue with the effect, or rather, with the edges of the effect. When controlling 3D in the computer, then displaying it on the movie screen, you don't really see the edges of the effect. Your peripheral is filled. On a smaller screen, say a TV, where the 3D effect meets

@goldentreesang: I've been using my Droid for that for a few months now. Honestly, I've had no issues, as long as I can adjust the text size. Most of the readers have a sepia setting that makes it perfectly comfortable for my eyes. I don't miss the extra heft of a book, or accidentally letting go to scratch mu nose

@reuthermonkey: Anybody who actually knows how this stuff works. Microsoft has been forced, by years of targeted attacks, to beef up there security. Apple is still clinging to their (false) security by obscurity pipe dreams. The exploits are there, but not being targeted. I don't wish harm to the data of any Mac

Maybe this would knock some sense into my friends, but probably not. I've had a 5.1 surround system for about a decade now. I always carefully reposition and recalibrate the system for the new room whenever I move. I have friends, who, based on my sytem, have purchased their own sound systems, but they never take

Avatar really threw the curve off, and only now are people realizing it's a gimmick that CAN work, but is not "the future" of entertainment. I enjoy the occasional movie in 3D in the theater, but even then, I've conciously chosen 2D when possible. Most movies don't lend themselves to it, and it becomes a "oohh,

@Celtic1888: The original Droid was the first Android flagship for Verizon to tout. It is still the best selling. Since it's release, though, it has been outstriped by several handsets from other carriers and manufacturers. I think Motorola jsut wants to keep their big seller current. I would think of this like