
Just on a side note: Why would Moto re-order the 4 interface buttons at the bottom of the phone. It's very different from the layout on the normal Droid. Is there a reason to lay it out like that. I thought it made sense to have the back button be the furthest left, but whatever.

@fullsoul: Are you not, indeed, doing so right now?

@cruzer555: In all likelyhood, yes, exactly. However, Microsoft still has the resources at it's disposal to make this work. They can influence, one way or another, major developers to work on their platform. As for hardware, I haven't seen any hard numbers yet, so they may still surprise us. Look at the 360.

How about some GLaDOS? I'd love a little passive agression with my navigation. For science, of course.

Obviously, the pictures are clear evidence, and I have no doubt it must have happened, but I'm just flabbergasted that this is possible considering the voltages involved. I've accidentally shorted a USB power leads once before while hooking up ports to a motherboard. I didn't really feel any shock, beyond a slight

@pseudorocket: No, I wouldn't. Or maybe, since the term was coined using Blackberries and other "old-guard" smartphones, perhaps we need a new term for Android, iOS, etc. phones. I don't know about WP7 yet, so MS may still have a place in the market, but they'll be playing A LOT of catch up. RIM, at this point

@yashjv: I'm not surprised, just saddened. Two work friends were recently in the market for new phones. Both had seen my phone (a Droid) enough to be impressed, and had mentioned a desire for one; but when the time came, both got Blackberries. Neither of them is incredibly "business-minded," and neither had owned a

This article is confusing the word design to mean technical engineering. There were many design choices made for the iPhone 4. However, some were engineering design, and some were asthetic design. Unfortunately, in relation to the antenna problem, I think the asthetics beat out the engineering for dominance. That

@BaconForTheSoul: I've held an iPhone exactly once. I also have, while not even thinking about it, done the antenna trick once. I was holding the phone and checking out a page in imdb. I had accidentally caused it to lose reception, and the page wouldn't finish loading. I looked at the meter, no reception, I set

I can't make a judgement without seeing the actual product in action. However, as a principal, film grain is not to be celebrated. It's a limitation of the medium, not an asset. People need to get over it. There's an option in Mass Effect to turn on or off artificial film grain. Come on! I want clarity, not

Pixar, to my knowledge has never been 3-5 years late in releasing an announced project, but Blizzard is known for that...:P

@Jbondkicks: I'm must admit to being slightly disappointed. On the other hand, I guess the knowledge that somewhere, in the ether of time and space, someone's iPhone 4 light came on when I pressed a button on my Droid tickles me a bit.

I think splitting their resources over two platforms was a bad idea anyway. Windows Phone 7 is obviously going to be their flagship OS for smartphones, and "dumb" phones, by the nature of their users apathy toward capabilities, don't really need all the extra bells and whistles. Smartphones have become easy enough

The first thing I downloaded for my Droid. This is seriously weak reporting.

@AgamemnonV2: I enjoy Lego games. What the hell is wrong with you?

@The Village Vidiot: My thoughts exactly. I'm very excited for RB3, as they actually bothered to create a refreshed, worthwhile experience. Innovation beats cookie-cutter for my money.

So, we've got a mediocre cross between a Droid and an iPhone on one side, and a mediocre clone of a Nexus One on the other. Way to think outside the box there, LG. By all means, do the Nokia, and make phones no one cares about. Good job.

I think this is very admirable, and I applaud Google. I just hope this doesn't die in a flurry of lawsuits by gay employees for having to be outed to get the coverage, or by straight (IMO, stupid) employees thinking this is unfair descrimination.

I saw a Kin ad on TV during Futurama last night. They must not have had time to pull the ads.