
It will be mine. Oh, yes ... it will be mine.

OKay, so how is this an improvement? Same screen, similar processor, an Android Froyo feature (WiFi Teth.) built in, Same total storage (16GB), "Updated" keyboard, same camera, NOT standard Android, which is a disadvantage. Gee, that's some good wheel spinning there, Lou. Seriously, get off your ass Motorola.

@LibertyGeis: Xbox can also connect up to 7 wireless channels at once. However, on both XBL and PSN you can only have 4 people signed in ona single console at once. Do the singers not get to sign in?

I'm in love with everything about this. My only problem being accessability and price. Okay, two problems. I can't imagine the pro-guitar will be anything approaching cheap. Also, for casual rockers, this will go completely over their heads, both in terms of ability, and also what they are willing to put into it.

@Benguin: If it's a MIDI producing instrument, as stated, it would output to a computer which could interpret the data into music. You wouldn't be able to just plug it into an amp and play, but you could get output through a computer as music, written sheet music, etc. Pretty cool, if it works.

The phone still has internet. If porn is wanted, it's available. App porn is ridiclous anyway, get over it.

How'd I guess the comments would be fanboy arguments? The truth is, excluding competition is an illegal business practice according to antitrust laws. Apple will be investigated for it, and they'll be found either innocent or guilty. End of story. The allegience if the fans of Apple or it's competitors has nothing

One other thing. The screen shots obviously show five instruments hooked up and playing, but how's that possible with only four-player support architecture built into Xbox/PS3? I realize they can hook up the mics like they do in Beatles, but you still need a control port to choose your difficulty and sign in to

Guitar Hero Approach: Look, another cosmetically upgraded guitar to buy! Same, exact cookie-cutter game, but with a new name!

@oneshot719: See my iaaue at the time was, I had no clue what it ws called. I searched MS' site for Antivirus, and all I got was a list of approved 3rd-party suppliers

I look forward to the day Blockbuster dies. I do not miss anything about the Blockbuster "experience." I sat down at my couch last night, turned on the 360, and 2 minutes later I was watching a documentary I didn't even know existed previously. It didn't cost me anything I wasn't already spending on the mail

@Chewmieser: In addition to downloads of patches you've (hoepfully) been getting via WIndows Update, they generally contain little retools that improve the base OS is some way. Such as SP2 for XP, which redid a whole bunch of menu items in the control panel, making them easier to use. Or, SP1/2 for Vista which made

Really? REALLY?! WTF, World? Are we really at that point? Has the entirity of human civilization just been perfectly summed up in a phone case? "The money's in dick and fart jokes." - Indeed. Somebody pass me that lengh of rope.

I've been using Security Essentials since I upgraded to Win7 jsut after launch. I haven't had a virus or spyware incident yet. Now if only it were more prominent on MS's site. You have to search for it by name specifically, or know where it is. They don't have any handy links.

DO NOT suggest Elder Scrolls IV to someone jsut getting the console. First off, the game looks a lot clunkier than newer ones. Second, they can get a much more interesting, polished, FUN experience playing Fallout 3. It's the same engine, but does a much better job at telling a coherant story, is improved in every

I'd be willing to pay up to $20, as long as there were minimal to no ads (no in-show bumps or crawls), and I was getting full quality. I'll just get rid of cable. I've been thinking about it for a long time. I don't need any of the up to the minute news, as I have the internet. If I could get all my shows via

@guitargraham: Paging Mr. Shot, Mr. Rim Shot to the stage, please?

@Ben Dawson: Seeing people with the sexy iPhone wrapped in hot pink silicon has got to be one of the more ridiculous things. I realize the value to protecting your investment, but making something beautiful intentionally ugly is just a little weird.

@flacster: I'm a huge Android fan, but even I have to admit the new styling is pretty cool. I was never a big fan of the "everything's a curve" styling of the iPhone 3Gs or iPad. I like my electronics to sit on their back without rocking. The new iPhone is pretty cool looking, and superior in functionality. You

@contempt: Let's just hope you're not going the other way, and essentially going down with a sinking ship. With the increased traffic from the iPad and ever increasing iPhone user base, it could become worse. AT&T could upgrade their network rather than restricting their users usage, but that's the hard way out, and