
Probably a verbal typo. (Speako?) His uniform says Ares III and Jeff Daniels mentions it. For them to be the first would be a huge and unnecessary departure from the books (where he specifically mentions that he’s the 17th person to set foot on Mars), and would cause some plot problems. Without getting spoilery, he

If some accountant sauntered in after Captain America left and handed a bill to the parents, that’s douche. Short of that, if a kid is in trouble and wants a visit from Captain America, how can it possibly be wrong for Cap to show up? They’re not preying on the marketing angle, and they’re an entertainment enterprise

Doloros Edd is one of the few characters equally cool on the show and in the books. Also, that’s WunWun!!! That giant kicks ass!!!! Glad he made the show!

Seems to me that only two religions use the term “release” in scriptures. The first is those naughty Tantric folks, followed directly by our friends in the Church of Scientology!!! Hopefully, they’ve done earthquake drills at the INT Base. . .

This is an honest-to-goodness question from an admitted lack of competency in this field: Where is the line for labeling purposes drawn between laboratory modified organisms vs. old skool Gregor Mendel-type controlled cross-breeding of plant species? Are there examples of artificial or forced modifications of crop

A similar system exists in most pants.

There might be something to the fact that it took SO LONG to get into production. If you look at another article here somewhere, the guy that built the cars had several years to put all of it together- combing over junkyards all over Australia. Seems to me if you roll up in 40-50 insane ApocalypseMobiles that are

That’s a very interesting point. Along the same lines, why has there been absolutely deafening silence on the point that pretty much ALL of the “strong female” characters are made out to be a bitch or a scheming manipulator? Or that their redeeming quality is as the overprotective mother? Cersei, Olenna, Lady Wainwood

Exactamundo! Pride gets you punched in the face. Looking sideways at the old lady gets you ventilated. Interfering with the revenue stream gets you blown away. And, as always, snitches get stitches. I’m guessing the only sounds in that convention center with 170 arrested bikers were the increasingly frustrated

My dad’s friend scored me a backstage pass to Farm Aid ‘95 when I was 17. I ended up behind the stage as the only random kid in a group consisting of Willie Nelson, Neil Young, Steve Earle, and Eddie Vedder with their friends. I got my pass signed by all of them, which was amazing, but the theme of the conversation

My uncle, the same one that took me to a Led Zeppelin show in 1978, when I was an infant and he was supposed to be babysitting, is a lifelong Aerosmith fan. From his stories, I can confirm that they treat their fans right. He’s on a first name basis with everyone in the band, has been on tour and on vacation with

Dear Shirley Perkins,

Liam Neeson looks exactly nothing like Kermit or Miss Piggy. . .

If she's the right answer, I'll pay my own expenses to take care of that situation, and that's before I found out that she could sing. You can totally see Grey Worm praying harder than he'd ever done anything for his balls to grow back in that river. . .

Similar thing happened to me. Grandma called and couldn't send an email. Walked her through everything I could over the phone, but couldn't get it done. Ended up driving over there, and the confusion was over the Send button. Not a button on the keyboard. Didn't occur to a 96 year old woman that the things you