
She was on the “Survival Rundown”, which is a recently repackaged level at the bottom of the Bridge to Total Freedom. Basically a newbie, but once you’re in, you’re in. Being connected to a high profile celeb like Carrey means that she was doomed from the first time she walked in.

There’s actually a good answer to this question that may not have occurred to you, and only works out in Scientology’s favor in a roundabout way. L. Ron Hubbard wrote a mountain of so-called “LRH Advices” which are policy documents covering everything from how to set up a corporation down to the proper way to wash

Scientology connection on the way. Guessing that now Carrey isn’t going to settle that this lawsuit gets dropped pretty fast. The Clampire has a long history of lawsuits, obviously, but also has a history of their legal antics blowing up in their face. Google Debbie Cook and what happened with her suit.

Good job, OSAbot. Your Sea Org handlers said you can have your plate of rice and beans today, but if you want your $50 check (minus David Miscavige birthday contribution) and a remote chance of getting off the RPF, you’re going to have to do a lot more by Thursday at 2.

Are we sure that all of these cars belong to bona fide 18-22 y/o undergrads? I’m sure most of them are, and the people I’m going to bring up don’t get bottle service at Opera. GWU is known for being a go-to kind of place for people in the massively lucrative government service industry to pad their resume. Case in

From her point of view its a totally plausible excuse not to tell him for a couple of reasons. One, she’s a passive manipulator of events. As soon as she tells him that the Knights of the Vale are almost certainly on their way, she takes away his initiative and shifts him away from being the executive force behind

Here’s a plausible answer- Sansa didn’t exactly know that they’d be there. It’s a long way from Moat Cailin to Winterfell- at least five days hard march if not a week or 10 days. She sent the raven from their field encampment, not from Castle Black or on the way, and they weren’t there that long. Also, she probably

Dude, you do awesome work. As does the majority of the Deadspin crew. For your sake, I hope they take two of the sites here, sell them off into oblivion, keep the rest of them together, split the pay of the ones that get cut among all of the staff at the remaining sites, and let you have a product that you can be

Another part of this episode adds to my theory on the endgame as it relates to the fact that the show has added sub-plots with Dorne and the Iron Islands, which seem stupid or at least uninspired and half-assed. In short, its all coming to a culmination which settles world events and the different powers that held

They have an official term for it. It’s called “make wrong”. If they had simply pointed out that the dough was right in front of him the whole time while he threw a tantrum, they would be making him wrong for having an angry or “low tone” response, which would basically mean that he’s a shitty person (or Degraded

I’m really not sure how you would get the real stuff in the US. I lived in East Africa back in the day, and got the genuine article from the Maasai and this was before it became a thing in the western world. Anyway, it has the same spice profile and an analogous taste to what they serve at Starbucks. That said, they

too soon?

St. Louis- Come for the baseball, stay for the riots and civil unrest!

I actually kind of like the general sloppiness of this season for a variety of reasons. There have been a lot of REALLY convenient circumstances (like always having an unguarded dirt road next to anywhere they need to sneak in to, or Blake specifically mentioning, unprompted, that Nails is not part of the plot to take

I got five bucks says index finger is gone at the middle knuckle and the thumb is just, uh, gone. The spread for this is base knuckle of the thumb intact plus no more than three centimeters of actual digit.

10 games for driving while black.

Drew- Glad you’re still around. After the apparent absence of Funbag (or my own mental handicaps in finding it), I feared you’d run from this internet Lusitania. Glad I was wrong.

In all honesty, I do very little redditing, but for some topics, its a pretty good clearinghouse for information and analysis of pretty narrow topics. For example, I’m hell bent on ruining the new Star Wars movie for myself by viewing every leak and detail possible before it comes out. I can either visit many websites

There’s a lot out there, but I’m really not one to climb on the high horse unless there’s a compelling reason, and those comments directed to “white person” invalidating their ideas for something totally beyond their control like the skin they were born into (and the fact that “white” is an artificial construct) sort