hamms is poor man’s classy. rolling rock is drunk by douchebags. they drink rolling rock.
hamms is poor man’s classy. rolling rock is drunk by douchebags. they drink rolling rock.
I mean, is there a standard course at PSU called “How To Be A Cunt?” that all these guys are taking? And “Albert Lord” - what a perfect name. You picture an old British guy with a thin mustache, derisively sniffing at things he finds improper in an episode of “Jeeves & Wooster”.
Correct. Which means he’s probably not referring to McQueary but instead to rape victims who received some money for being raped but now are, apparently, 7-figure trust fund babies.
Running out of sympathy for 35 yr old, so-called victims
Baylor: “Boy, we’re finally overtaking Penn State for most odious institutional breakdown! Our ‘callousness toward victims’ ratings are unprecedented!”
I was being a bit hyperbolic, and perhaps that obfuscated my point. However, I did grow up poor with a single bathroom. It wasn’t entirely uncommon to have someone barging in and sitting down before you were completely out of the way. Only having one bathroom really sucks.
My way of solving it in a way that no one would be happy with would have been to make all bathrooms gender neutral. Most of these people have probably taken a dump with the door open at home in front of their spouse and kids, but god forbid they have to share a space meant only for expedient public waste evacuation…
How about leaving things they way the were? 15 years ago, no cared if a transexual used the restroom and there were no mass assaults of women and children in restrooms. There were no rules protecting LGBTQ and there were no bathroom bills. So annoying. Target has an open restroom policy and much ado about nothing.…
If no one is happy doesn’t that make it the best type of compromise? Good for them. If you are going to piss someone off, you might as well piss everyone off
Yep. This is what state governments should be worried about. Bathrooms. This is ridiculous on both sides. Stop acting like this is such horrible treatment of LBGTWhatevers, and stop with the religous garbage.
It’s a good thing that someone is kept in solitary confinement for 25 years (without access to basically any normal human activity)? I understand the legal side of things and why it can take a long time, but I’m not sure how anyone could make a reasonable argument for why it takes 25 or more years.
That is why I said give them access to more things and people. So they can still be humans. I just don’t think it is worthy enough to waste finite resources on people who will most likely never see the outside again. There are enough people who could use those resources and actually benefit from the in their lives…
So most of this stuff is pretty horrific and should be changed, but some of it also seems reasonable like the lack of access to training and clubs. Death row inmates aren’t there to be rehabilitated. They are there to wait until they die. Training someone for the outside world seems kind of cruel as well given they…
Because most people not in prison for life will have the benefit of using their trained skills. I don’t really care about death or life without parole prisoner satisfaction. I just don’t want them to face cruel and unusual punishment. It should be a relatively bad time (if you are never going to see the outside…
So most of this stuff is pretty horrific and should be changed, but some of it also seems reasonable like the lack of access to training and clubs. Death row inmates aren’t there to be rehabilitated. They are there to wait until they die. Training someone for the outside world seems kind of cruel as well given they…
An awful lot of religious conservatives won’t allow themselves to be alone with a member of the opposite sex under any circumstance, because they’ve been told their whole lives that they’re essentially prisoners of their hormones and that sinful behavior is inevitable in such circumstances. (We will set aside that…
I will agree that he does seem to at lest have some realization that he was a horrible piece of shit, I even had a post on here a while back saying the same thing, but I was mostly just angry because of a post I saw right before reading this article where a woman I know was like “I just love him! He needs a reality…
I don’t think W was the one with the grudge. He had an awful lot of devils whispering in his ears and the war was, at least initially, pretty widely supported. I don’t think the guy has a hateful bone in his body, but his cabinet sure as hell did.
If there wasn’t enough reason to utterly despise Donald Trump (and there are PLENTY of reasons) it’s that he’s humanized the truly terrible George W. Bush into someone who we’d want as president right now.