Darth Happy

The problem for Republican think tanks is that the ACA basically *is* their bill. Democrats used a Heritage Foundation plan that a Republican governor successfully implemented on a state level because they mistakenly though that’d get bipartisan buyin. So now there literally are no more conservative health care ideas

In the vein of the Arrested Development = Trump Analogy that was on twitter last week, my theory is that Paul Ryan is Tobias Funke.

Wait, you mean they guy who doesn’t understand how insurance (of any kind) works might not be the best guy to lead the fight on healthcare?

“You know, the last time someone ordered me to something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn’t listen to him, either.”

The Republican think tanks have plenty of ideas. It’s just that said ideas are basically political suicide, because the things that the Republican wonks care most about (lower taxes, smaller federal government, deficit reduction) are things that real world voters don’t actually give a shit about.

Precisely! Paul Ryan is a “wonk” in the sense that most undergraduate students are “wonks.” (I include the 18-22 year old version of myself in this group). They have ideologies on how the world should work but never get into actually playing out how those ideologies may be functionally enacted and the consequences of

“I can do tax reform in three hours” Paul Ryan, probably.

Now that they aren’t going to manage to come to agreement among themselves on how exactly to blow up the whole health care system, we can fully appreciate the hilarity of Trump’s unstoppable negotiating style. He offered literally one concession to the people he was trying to win over, they said they appreciated it

“Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill.” - Bill Pullman’s agent, while pointing at a picture of Bill Paxton, during a Twister casting meeting.

I have a few uncles that seem to be inhabited by the spirit of Ty Cobb, but you don’t see me writing a book about it.

Bonds had an OBP of .480 in his final season, his age-42 season, and not one single MLB

If that’s what passes for a “Raiders game fight” now, I think it’s safe to say that era ended a long time ago.

If you love dumpster fires this should be good. In NFL players you have a group that, in general:

Gruden’s on ESPN sucking Goodell’s cock right now. Ultra fuck Jon Gruden. True fans will stick with them? Fuck you, Jon. Shove a flaming hot metal dildo up your ass and die.

Why start now? Moving expenses are a bitch, man. And then you gotta find somebody to help you move, and Smitty, that fucking asshole, he said he’d help, but then he went out and got fucking wasted the night before and never showed up so you had to do it yourself but then picked up that TV you got at that estate sale

Someone needs to make an acronym out of bacronym describing bacronyms.

I like that his edit is still not great.

It’s readily apparent that absolutely no Gizmodo Media articles get copy editing unless one writer informally asks another to look over it. The errors are pandemic.

I don’t think the Navy would like you suggesting they’re a pawn of the Acronym Research and Marketing Yuppies...

im more and more convinced that the entire armed service is just a front for an acronym service.