Darth Happy

No, not at all. If someone works in the public sector they usually choose to do so because either (a) they have a passion for doing whatever it is the agency that hired them does; or (b) they couldn’t get a better job in the private sector to begin with and when they get a chance to bail, they do.

I’ll take that over an ideological whore that says whatever she needs to say to please whomever she happens to be speaking to at the moment.

Agreed. I think CBS has good crews from top to bottom. I don’t know what magical skills Romo brings to the table that lets him jump the line.

I don’t disagree with you there but, traditionally, getting Americans to take preventative care seriously has been virtually impossible even if they actually do have insurance. Americans are extremely weird that way.

The guy wasn’t even a Democrat until he decided to be. Then he crashed the Crap Party and she ended up beating her Recent Convert Opponent by about 10% of the votes cast in the primary. WOW. THAT’S AN AMAZING TRACK RECORD!

If they’d had it in place for decades, Obama would not have had to sign an EO putting the rule into effect. The rule wasn’t supposed to go into effect until this year although some guys tried to get an early start on it, which is a decision they’re probably regretting now.

It’s about 10% of the total votes cast. You can argue all you want about how close you need to be to qualify as “almost” but it’s water under the bridge, isn’t it?

There were between 30M and 31M votes cast in the primaries and he only lost by 3M? Hardly a landslide but it’s true that HRC won by a decent margin.

The blog you rely on contains ZERO references to applying to private hospitals. There’s a reason for that. While private/for-profit hospitals take Medicare/Medicaid patients, they do not do so in nearly the numbers a public hospital will. That may vary depending on geography but in metro areas that have both, I

It never ceases to amaze me that Hillary got her butt kicked by DONALD TRUMP and people still think she was the right call.

Well, everything’s relative and if I’m retarded you’re subhuman so I’ll take retardation over what afflicts you any day.

It was an EO that Obama put into effect that made contractors provider a super-detailed explanation of exactly what the money being paid to the employee was for - you had to list all hours worked, all OT, etc etc etc.

You may be right but you might not be. If you look at how Wasserman & Co. treated him, I can’t blame him for not wanting to be involved in the DNC.

It’s a residency, not an internship. And not every residency is “federally subsidized” as many residents work at private hospitals, although they do get funds from taking in Medicaid/Medicare patients. That’s not a subsidy, it’s a contractual agreement negotiated ahead of time by the hospital and the Feds or the

You mean just like Democrats have done for about 50 years?

Your other option would have been for Bernie to run as a third party and he would have sucked even MORE votes from Hillary than you Hillaryites think he did when he sat out.

True and agreed on all counts. The only point you make that I would modify would be to make the goal access to basic, competent, promptly delivered healthcare for all. You can look at the problems at VA Hospitals - some of which is exaggerated but some of which is undoubtedly real - and see that simply “guaranteeing”

I dunno. Jessica Simpson really did pack on weight for awhile there.

The difference being that Dallas always gave Romo good weapons on offense to use. The Chiefs haven’t had similar talent on the offensive side of the ball for a long time. It would be interesting to see what Romo would have done in KC. I don’t think he’d have lasted long but that’s obviously just a hot taek since

So, you think that coverage under single-payer would be better than the “shitty coverage” your employer offers you now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH