Darth Happy

Why not? There are plenty of people that object to gay marriage. There are also some people that may not necessarily object to gay marriage, but think that if gays can marry then all other restrictions on marriage should be lifted and you should be able to engage in polygamy if you want.

So you object to people forming opinions based on their religious beliefs? Hmmmmm . . .

How is it not? You’d rather he went the Cheney route and elected to try and justify what he did at every turn?

lol - me neither. I don’t know why these articles appear on Deadspin but they show up a lot.

You make great points, but No. 2 is the one that should have topped your list. Blacks destroy their own vote because they don’t vote. If they did, then Democrats would be drawing the lines and gerrymandering would be less of a problem.

How do you know whom has shared a bathroom with me? You’re - again - substituting what you know for what you wish you knew. I may - or may not - have shared a bathroom with someone that was transgender. Since I myself cannot say for certain whether I have I’m quite certain you cannot either.

No, it isn’t.

Thanks for, again, confirming you’re an idiot.

It’s the old F. Scott Fitzgerald thing that “One should avoid the occasion for sin as much as the sin itself.”

The word you’re looking for there is “equivalencies”.

I never mentioned “Libertarian” let alone defined it for you.

I understand that people that generalize things to the extent you have probably do so because it’s all you can muster. It’s not persuasive.

You’re not just a dick, but you’re a dumb one.

The same thing happened with Nixon over time. One of the more admirable traits Americans generally share is the ability to forgive people, no matter how awful they were in the past.

WRONG. Trump has the capacity to be worse than W, but he’s not even in the ballpark yet. W brought Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al. with him and they did more damage to the US than Trump has. If you’re feeling nostalgia for W you’ve forgotten quite a bit and/or are greatly overestimating the Trumpster. Trump can’t even

I wouldn’t be too sure of that. Keep in mind, anti-abortion nuts fabricated videos of legitimate PP clinics as part of their crusade. If KY gets what it wants, I’d be willing to bet anyone that regularly offered unauthorized abortions would be under surveillance (legit or otherwise) within 30 days and those nuts

The problem is that there’s no way to eliminate, or mitigate, the problem. Taking a week off means I missed a week of work and that’s work I have to catch up on. That creates two problems. First is the obvious one that I have lots of work waiting for me when I get back from the fun-filled vacation. The second is

The big risks are part of the fun, at least for the fans. I’m not very knowledgeable about the EPL, but based on my limited knowledge relegation has been a part of it for quite awhile. If it was negative for the League, I’d imagine they would have dropped it by now.

In the US, it’s not uncommon. I’ve waived vacation before simply because if I take a week off work, when I come back to work I’ve got so much to do that taking time off isn’t worth the horror of having to dig myself out of the huge hole caused by missing a weeks’ worth of work.

Really? How many conservatives do you know? How many Libertarians?