Darth Happy

I think that the NFL could benefit by relegation like they do in soccer/football. Can you imagine how much fun that would be in the NFL setting?

If you’re as bad as the Jags, it couldn’t hurt. They should have never been given any time off. They need work.

It’s “principles”. And, generally, conservative views are legit and have been around forever. For a long time, conservatives didn’t get into all this social crap like abortion, gay rights, etc. Barry Goldwater, Mr. arch-conservative himself, specifically warned the GOP that getting in bed with the religious nuts

I don’t know about that. I think both sides on this argument are pathetic. Everyone should be able to use the appropriate bathroom without having a law passed that forces you to. On the other hand, if someone has no idea what their actual sex is and goes to the wrong bathroom, who gives a damn?

My take on this is that far-right conservatives only push these laws for purely symbolic purposes. You can’t enforce them. They have no actual real effect. They get proposed and passed as red meat for certain voters. When hard cash comes up against economic consequences, the symbolic shit usually loses provided

If your kid changes his mind, you better make him wear some kind of medieval chastity belt underneath his jock or else he’ll come home with a hardware store up his ass.

Check the kids’ assholes. I bet you’ll find an e-mail server, a printer, and at least three portable hard drives there. It’s not easy to make the team in Texas football.

On the one hand, I can sorta see what the school is saying. It’s not fair to hold it responsible for everything that kids do to each other.

I think that there’s a distinction between so-called “rites of initiation” and shoving a baseball bat up your “teammate’s” asshole.

Thanks for this article. All my life, whenever I’d get a little too big for my britches, various family members would tell me to “Get off my hobbyhorse!”

It’s like a Home Depot in there.

That’s right. The threaded end is ribbed for pleasure.

On the bright side, you won’t have to light a match after you take a shit. Everything will have that nice Axe “Axe Rape” smell to it which is apparently quite the thing in Texas.

The one thing I learned from this article is that in Texas deodorant comes in a bottle.

Hey! That’s the same reason every publisher tells me when they reject my book! Not fair. Perhaps I need more bear sex! :)

I’d love to have been a fly on the wall when the author pitched that book to the publisher.

When I was a kid I got a book filled with Greek mythology stories. They were pretty good but what I remember most was Zeus constantly turning himself into some kind of an animal and boinking virgins. I’m not sure why the Greeks felt it was necessary to have Zeus turn into an animal to have sex, but they apparently

My wife’s cousin got married in Arkansas (feel free to insert an incest joke, I don’t care).

Yep. I like to cruise through the drive up and just yell a number. Total time saver. You nailed it.

I figured the least visited state would have to be Mississippi because, really, what’s there to see? You’re right, though!