
Hmmm...never bought a used game before, for any system.

"You bought five games in a row from a franchise you clearly didn't like anymore and we're the idiots???"

lol, they've been right there with Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook from the beginning.

right, or a) being in jail for contempt (taking a stand for privacy rights!) or b) being in jail for whatever was on your hard drive (pedo!)

They would just keep you in jail for contempt as long as necessary.

Why even give these guys any more publicity at all?

You know what would be a cool Lifehacker approach? If rather than just link to an eHow article making dubious claims like this one....how about actually test this out, and make a real post out of the findings. You know, like actually Life Hacking it. Because I'm dubious about the paper shredder getting *more*

Sure, but if he were being honest he would say "I am withdrawing my support for my bill, that I helped get started in the first place" Instead of pretending its something he just came across in his travels.

Nice breakdown!

Actually, I thought their scheme for matching Google Accounts with cell phone numbers was that persistent requestor that pops up when you log in, asking you to enter your cell phone number.

Holy crap. I will actually get a PC gaming rig just to play this game.

That's not the issue-the issue is whether Dr. Ron Paul is mush more mentally stable than Matt Buchanan. You can be smart and still mush more unstable.

So, to recap comments:

" I wouldn't say it's 'ruining Google Music'."

Played both, loved both.

"If you want to think about it in a very simple way, consider the difference between a candy bar and a cucumber."

"that would technically be stealing"

So true.

I had trouble with Christian Bale's Batman voice actually-just sounded kinda cheesy to me.

I agree-I got tired of that universal Jarl slouch, too.