
Wait, the same Curt Schilling who urged everyone to download the demo, it's gonna be awesome...then after getting roundly criticized for the poor quality, blamed a third party company for making it?

Wait, why isn't the headline "Just Not For Consoles, Yet"?

If it's already illegal, why do we need another bill to make it illegal?

"now what you're being led to believe."

Wait, the "hardcore faithful" are console gamers now?

They serve an important purpose-to remind us of the value that anonymous user "reviews" have in the scheme of things.

my feelings exactly, romanmaroni. Also the cynical side of me sees this as Bioware trying to push their future MP agenda on everyone.

as long as ignoring it doesn't affect it negatively, I'm good :)

ok, -can- is a big difference, thanks! I do all the side missions usually. Just prefer to play my RPGs alone...esp. one as personal as ME has been.

Ugh...multiplayer actually affects the single player storyline?

me too actually...zero interest in that stuff, and the popups just serve to diminish immersion.

"I can't believe how disgusting that was, and I should know since I've watched it six tim..seven now.."

I'm referring to arniejolt posting it, as well as other comments in this thread referencing Daikatana and the like...I also don't really think its a big deal, plus it was a long time ago. But whenever someone mentions Romero, the bitter brigade shows up :p

Never underestimate the enduring bitterness of gamers.

So...why the deadline? Does this mean after tonight, we can't delete our search history pre-March 1st 2012?


You mean Matthew Yglesias at Slate, right?

Exactly-and I wonder if a 3D specific panel can be as optimized for 2D experience better than a pure high end 2D panel is. Not saying it can't be, but I doubt it is an axiom.

"Here's the thing: The best 2D TV is a 3D TV. The burlier image processors required to render the third dimension make everything look better."

I sponsored a friend who walked last fall-she's pretty appalled as well.