
wow, never even heard of the Bridge one!

According to Harold McGee, it works better if you are lucky enough to have a 2nd refrigerator-less chance of picking up off flavors from other stuff in there, and less temperature shifts since you won't be constantly opening and closing the door for other stuff.

Yeah, I find it odd because the earlier sequences were very explicit about order, as in Fi only gave you the option to do a certain area first, then the next one, then the last one.

Twilight Princess had a game breaking glitch-also related to save files, ironically.

It is pretty far in. I'm over 40 hours into the game and i don't know anything about those songs yet.

What "earlier save file"? Nintendo doesn't provide an easy way to save the game to different slots. You can't just save to a new slot like every other game made since 2001. The game doesn't auto-save to a separate save file at certain points like every other game made since 2008.

Actually I thought their list of clients specifically omitted Apple.

Just trying to appease both sides-can't insult Android without including a dig at iOS. It is how you keep the peace here.

Actually if it is master 20 shouts, not kill 20 dragons, that *is* a pretty big difference. Finding shouts/words is a lot more work than just killing random dragons that fall on you inside Whiterun.

I find the " it doesn't look like many people have managed to slay 20 dragons" thing unbelievable. I'm only level 25 or so, and have killed 26 of them without even hunting them (except for 3 quest dragons). I can't frickin avoid them-they are everywhere!

Playing and enjoying both right now, and I do have to say my first couple dragon battles were epic (and my first name dragon was brutal), but around dragon kill number 18 I realized they were becoming a chore, not an adventure. The huge stack of dragon bones and scales piling up in Breezehome are also a reminder how

It is a perk, actually-certain percentage to decapitate with one-handed weapon.

Something is definitely weird with the heads on the first pic.

That dude knows his science. And his food. Although "strap ice bags to the turkey breast to keep them moist" always sounded weird to me.

Interestingly, your brining recipe from Kenji is from 2009.

Not just Kenji; Harold McGee as well.

I am a huge fan of Uncharted 2, but have to say that Uncharted 3 left me a bit..unsatisfied in the end. I think your points are actually a big part of that-thanks for putting them down so cogently!

Just a perfect article-short, sweet, and informative without spoilers.

Maybe that $201.70 is the long torturous result of incredible negotiating down, large quantities and all.

and then....(spoiler)