
very nice as well! even more attractive than Lydia!

that is really well done! I tried an elf briefly, but all the male faces were so distorted I gave up and settled with a middle aged Nord.

Has anyone managed to make a Dovakiin who *doesn't* look middle-aged or older? Most I've seen look ready to get AARP benefits, and barely able to survive the 100+ hours of gaming without dying of old age.

lol. To followup, someone said Giants are hard-leveled at 35+, but dragons are scaled. That would explain it, I guess. Giants have sent me rocketing straight up into the sky numerous times.

Yes. I'm around level 10, and have killed 4* dragons without dying, barely..barely... killed the two ice trolls I ran into (2 battles with 1 ice troll each, not at once), and have gotten absolutely destroyed by every giant.

I will pay much more for single-player only focused games. Yes, I am talking to you, Bioware, Lucasarts and KOToR.

I just used them for the first time for Uncharted 3; what was odd is I ordered it just 4 days before release, and they charged me only .99 for release day delivery, and delivered it on release day.

ah, that makes sense, poplin, thanks!

Joystiq's complaints about combat (a major factor in the game) seem out of sorts with their perfect 100 score. I'm thinking a perfect score would be for a game with pretty flawless melee mechanics.

No, because, believe it or not, people need special *reasons* to never buy a company's product. And not just one-they need *several* reasons to justify their non-purchases to others, smugly, loudly and as publicly as possible. Because it isn't enough not to be interested in a company's products for your own reasons.

The difficulty spikes were a bit odd at times from a story point of view-seriously, I understand having black suited henchmen, but there were so many pouring through doors and windows at times it seemed rather comical-and not in a good way.

To be fair, Sprint is going to initially lose giant buckets of money by going with the iPhone with the hopes of making ginormous buckets of money down the road.

Pretty distasteful, even in jest.

1) I don't think Epic needs to justify including stuff on the disc that isn't accessible to users, as long as they didn't advertise it as a feature beforehand-it really is just a storage mechanism.

I'm normally incredibly slow at finishing games (I regularly put in 100+ hours on most RPGs like FF and Fallout, and even Uncharted 2 I played for a while), but I blew thru this game in 2 evenings...part of it was the incredibly addictive pacing, but part of it...was this game just extremely short?

I am feeling the same way about the collectibles in this one-they seem to detract from the incredible pacing/story line a bit for me.."run! run! gotta get out of he..oh, hey, is that a necklace?"

Did you reach the Dentist's office yet?

Love that film.

Thank you for the warning-didn't realize that! Oddly enough though, I still have my GC sitting under my TV for some reason-not connected, just sitting there accusingly.

Is there a Skyward Sword Wii bundle?