
Don't see what the issue is-is it a matter of having a choice (a la Mass Effect, Fallout, etc.) or having the whole plot revolve around the character (a la Tomb Raider, Bayonetta, etc.)

I agree completely. Replaying Fallout: Las Vegas right now, looking forward to Arkham City next, and then to Drake, then to Skyrim, then to Zelda.

My launch day 3GS doesn't need restarting. And it is still running fine, even the battery life.

Who cares if you are talking to your phone or to someone on your phone? No one notices.

Still have a ways to go to catch up to Japan's Anpanman, Shokupanman, Tendonman, and the rest of the food-headed: [en.wikipedia.org]

That is the sad part. If you are going to dedicate a part of your ad to showcase your Maps app, you'd think you'd want to showcase the best feature of your Maps app.

damn, I thought I was the only one who figured he was the same guy!

Loved that one! *highfives*

Love how Sorkin brings back his good character actors.

FBI Special Agent Michael Casper! Helped solve the notorious church bombing case, the pipe bombing at Kenison State, and Zoe's kidnapping!

Big fan ever since The West Wing.

iOS=fine-tuned to 5 devices

Actually, this didn't prove that the 4S isn't death grippable-it just proves that the particular grip that affects the 4 doesn't affect the 4S.

I travel with my Airport Express.

Love the idea of the new controller, esp. in the demos...but I am a bit worried about the screen quality. Hope Nintendo doesn't completely cheap out on it.

"Rumors" sound like the talking stones in OOT!

No membership for GameCenter or iCloud...unless you want to store more than 5GB of data.

If you can save your progress between an iPhone and an iPad on universal games, it would be a big deal.

You know-

I enjoyed Jade Empire, but for some reason the FedEx missions seemed more blatantly "FedEx-ey" in that game compared to other Bioware games. Not sure why-just lots of running back and forth between people.