
Oddly enough, I"m replaying it right now after 4 years.

"Help intrepid plumber Mario jump on mushrooms, slide thru pipes, and marry his sweetheart, Princess Peach, then sleep with her daughter. And then marry her too. And get 50 stars"

Have one-my circle was pretty active the first couple weeks, then it just tapered off. Everyone was trying to post to both G+ and Facebook and Twitter...and they seem to have dropped G+ from the list.

And it had hotlinks before they were even a gleam in Ted Nelson's eye.

A trend? Canonical.

I thought those were just a banner ad!

I never even saw the crossbow, or the grenade launcher, or the plasma rifle. wtf?

I figure if you leave cash on the bedside, it means you are either tipping the maid, or the hooker missed a couple bills on the way out.

Have to admit I've never bothered to use a hotel safe. No issues ever, either. But I guess I don't travel with a lot of valuables, except for ID stuff like passports, and we just carry those with us.

That Spore dev who used to work for Maxis who badmouthed Miyamoto-totally turned me off to Spore, and Maxis actually.

It's crazy. I don't have a problem with the speculation/leaks in general-just the breathless/pretentious/portentous treatment of every story.

What does this all mean? Well, it means there's nothing certain. Either the cases are wrong, or MacRumor's trusted designer is wrong. Unless someone somehow shows measurements for that lost iPhone, we won't know until the iPhone 5 is revealed later this month.

"It's racist emails all the way down"

Man, those are Annie Leibovitz photos? Those are just terribly photoshopped-even for terrible photoshop.

Totally different situation, but love the sarcasm.

I agree-definitely have Jezebel crosspost this article; love to get their take on it.

This is a parody, right?


kidjenius-yeah, sounds similar, but not as elegant as WP7-I think webOS has a feature like that too.