
Since everyone I know has an iPhone-we have over the years been trying different messaging apps-Textie, WhatsApp,textPlus, etc...it seems like it would be confusing, but actually, if you dump them all (including SMS) into one app folder called Messaging, who cares, really how many apps you have? You get a message, a

Wow, this story triggered my memory of another article about the importance some black women in the US put on hair: [www.time.com]

Wow, my memory must be going. I thought Yoda *was* CG in the new trilogy.

"life of a repo man is always intense"

Needs a bit more Tenzin.

ahahaha, first part was quoted from the article-I agree with you-at some point people will forget and/or get over it, won't even notice, or even know in the first place.

and I doubt anyone would be able to get over the mental block of drinking milk that's been in the fridge for three months

fair enough, in your case. But a lot of people you connect to on Twitter, and, yes, Google + are in fact not people you know or actually know you, but are interested in what they have to say. Facebook I can see being mostly for just people who actually know one another.

Mat Honan's posts have definitely made Gizmodo really worth reading lately.

Half-Life was the only game that made me nauseous. None of the other FPSes come even close for some reason.

All the responses were valid, imho.

I'd say the whole online social experiment was a success-sounds like the exact behavior you'd expect from people, both good, bad, and weird.

Yep, weighing is really the most consistent, accurate approach.

"Yes, okay! We have done it on this very site. Mea culpas! Change must start at home, so we're ending the practice now. "

Hopefully we'll see a healthy Mobile ecosystem, with 3-4 good choices available (WebOS, Android, iOS, and WP7). Monopolies and duopolies are boring :p

Really nice writeup.

Did they add nipples, and remove the tattoo?

It's hard to sympathize with AT&T and their supposed struggles with the "5%" when they STILL can't even deal with the 100% of users in the SF Bay Area who want just regular, reliable service. They've had the iPhone for 4 years, and seen the growth of Android for the past 3-more than enough time to spend the money and

Have a Sony 500, a 1st gen Kindle, and an iPad 2. The iPad 2 has become my main reader.

I have loved the FF pre-rendered cutscenes since VII as well. But, if Square-Enix can cut the damn development time of projects by using all in-game graphics to push the story forward, I'm all for it.