
Michael Cera was in Star Wars?

Re: Cupid and Psyche- East of the Sun, West of the Moon was also nicely retold in Edith Pattou's "East" [www.amazon.com]

I was just going to ask this elsewhere-if the baseball didn't have seams, would it still curve enough to make Barry Zito a worthwhile investment?

Can't believe you can't move Spaces around in Mission Control...and sometimes the Spaces just jump around, even when "Automatically rearrange spaces" is unchecked. I love the idea, but the execution definitely needs some fine tuning.

Really? So when they admit "whites only" because, statistically more black males than white males happen to be in prison in the US, that is also "being smart"? And you'll sympathize with them? After all, they want to continue to put on awesome LANS for most people possible. They are just limiting risk in order to

He actually updated his review:

Great review! Ebert also enjoyed it apparently. One thing Ebert mentioned is that Evans looked great both pre- and post-serum, but implies that the post Steve is as CG as the 90 lb weakling Steve. I assumed it was all Evans.

Hmmm...took me a day to get used to it. I can see where some people might get frustrated, but it just isn't that big an issue, IMHO.

so does the Tab itself have magnets to help hold any third party cases that might inadvertently need them? :p

How did that Smart Case attach to the Tab?

Come on Burger-Nathan Fillion as Drake, Bruce Campbell as Sully...make it happen!

Best use of sarcasm in a comment today! Amirite?

Damn, I thought this would be about gamers like me who have no interest in multiplayer, and lament the passing of the single player game.

and don't forget the sports teams! Some of them.

Don't real christians believe God is on everyone's side?

Damn it, I was coming here to post the same thing :(

"delivers some images that puts Micro Four-Thirds in the same conversation as an entry-level DSLR."

I don't think you should be putting anything in anyone's mailbox, unless you are a postman. Just sayin.

Re: the audience for professional gaming-

I have kept VisualHub (and my license information) on my Mac for exactly that one reason-dead simple DVD creation.