
But Mass Effect has to date focused on intercrew relationships and their effect on the storyline-why should they change that focus?

Wonder how many of those players who guffawed at Mordin's gentle letting down of Shepard's supposed affections are the ones most outraged now :p

What I loved about Lord Valentine's Castle was the whole post-SF feel to the world-as though technology had risen, peaked, and was gracefully degrading over time, and Clarke's "technology indistinguishable from magic" ideal was being turned on its head.

not those Apple customers that also use PCs, Kindles, and other devices Instapaper supports, not to mention 3rd party apps on Mac OS X and iOS.

Hmmm...has the author of this post actually used Instapaper?

Didn't watch Smallvilee over the the years, but I watched a bit of this (love John Williams score) and my only question is: Was the CG this terrible all 10 seasons, or did they just cut the budget? Because the CG was just terrible.

I loved the Robot novels, but have never been able to even get thru the first few chapters of Foundation. And I've tried over the years. This io9 series has almost convinced me to try again.

I thought it odd that despite the perception that Google is run by engineers-they sent a lobbyist.

damn, can't wait for Netflix to start streaming all these shows.

She's probably at the bar drinking after hearing Lindsay Lohan was up for her remake.

Sure, but the parking garages charge by the minute.

3, 6, 8 and Starbuck?

come to think of it, no one has mentioned my Razr 3 in ages :/

Really? Why? I can see why this makes Google and Samsung happy-great marketing. But anyone else? Unless you work for Google or Samsung, I guess :p


whoa, wasn't that the plot in....Hancock? *rimshot*

I'm curious though-for online passwords, how many sites allow more than 4-5 attempts before shutting down? The fact that a souped up computer can run through millions of possibilities is only useful offline in most cases, right? And how many offline passwords do people have?

My first thought as well-a parody of the whole 300 style...Mickey Rourke in the crabhat checking his nails sealed the deal.

You photoshopped over Meisa Kuroki? You are dead to me.

not kidding! I just prefer those carefully crafted, totally immersive, single player experiences with a real storyline-I always imagined that the developers tailor-made each adventure specifically for me, from beginning to end.