
Square Enix wasting time on their FF MMORG instead of a great single player FF, Bioware focusing on their Star Wars MMORG instead of a great single player followup to KoTOR, and now Valve? I didn't give up on gaming...game companies gave up on me!

Doesn't matter if the iPad 2 had a Nikon D90 quality camera, it would still look odd using it as such.

that turned out to be photoshopped.

I'll go one further, Stephen: The game will be better than the film.

"Mom! Can you come down to the garage for a second? Need you to hold these sneakers for the camera!"

But not for $300...I'd say jet packs for $200-$250 max.

I thought we all agreed we wanted flying cars?

interesting..I'd probably pay up to $20/month for Netflix, but not just for HBO. Ah well, no one said cable cutting would be painless :/

I'd obviously prefer to pay HBO directly as well, since I cancelled cable. The question is, what are people willing to pay? $8-10/month is a no-brainer (around Netflix costs), are people willing to pay more? (I don't think I'd go about $10/month, personally)

Picture #3: Those bastards killed Admiral Akbar!

Who is that?

good point-but can you use even use CG models that close to the official ones? And if they can afford CG of that quality, why couldn't they use it to make Tasha's wig look more realistic?

I agree with this list, except for backwards compatibility...I'd rather Nintendo just push forward with something completely new without the need to make everything from 2006 also work on it. It's not like my Wii is going anywhere.

That clip was probably the entirety of the non-sex scenes, if it doesn't buck porn tradition.

And of course, we don't know the details of the patent, i.e. maybe they hired the guys who did "your" video, or bought the tech from them. Getting all riled up about something as complicated as the US Patent system, especially without bothering to know the details, is rather silly...as is demanding they get "fined".

Not to mention completely dismissing a set of new tools without even trying them first.

Actually, not for iBooks. For some reason, Apple did not register iBooks as a valid app to open ePubs directly until the latest update. Other apps (like Stanza) could, but not iBooks.

I'm guessing she won't be wearing it for long.

(Though it's a nice app, and will actually be very useful, so we're glad they didn't.)