
You ate all the Samoas???

Honestly, I thought they had airbrushed the cover to look more like a Rosie the Riveter poster.

for stills, they are even worse than my iPhone 3GS camera. Seriously.

Agreed, especially on the non-trivial speed improvements, and the baffling camera quality (or lack thereof). Seriously, I thought maybe I had smudged up the lens or something when I first tried it, it was so grainy.

I connected my AppleTV 2 directly to my wired network, and it really does seem both faster and more reliable. Now I need a good switch.

The test didn't use Mobile Safari. Or Safari for that matter. Or even Android's actual browser. Basically it used custom apps that used their underlying engines, not the browsers themselves.

So these benchmarks are for non-human input and perception? :p

But did you *sigh* fully expect the il Duce Jobs comment, the "Android is a better choice" comment, the "of course" comment, the "runs flash" comment, or even the classic android pissing on an apple comment? :p

Odd that they did not actually use Mobile Safari browser for the tests, I wonder if they ran into the same issue as web apps that don't take advantage of the 4.3 speedups.

Sorry, what I meant was, he voted as Obama-he didn't sneak in anonymously :p

Angry fans giving games zeroes aren't doing anything unethical, despite how it might piss you off. Annoying, sure. But not unethical.

There would be no controversy if the developer identified himself as being involved in the game-the lack of disclosure is what people are probably up in arms about the most. Obama voted for himself, but he did it openly.

ahahaha nice one! :D

AT&T still can't get 3G to work reliably in SF; and people think their 4G would be the better?

I too would like to see some actual tests of this "more than 10 hours playing 720 video".

iBooks as well-that laggy bookshelf view is now pretty instantaneous.

This is the first review that has mentioned an improved display-now I have to go pry my iPad 1 from my wife's hands to compare for myself.

why I'm going to watch. edit: damn, no way to get this to show inline? I suck.