
I just know that as soon as I get the wi-fi only iPad, some incredible GPS only iPad app will miraculously appear.

But we do all agree there was a McLean Stevenson curse, post-MASH, right?

Must admit I'm surprised that unlimited plan survived longer than the iPad 1 ;)

Great criteria, sweetmonkey!

PZ Myers has the best Tag Categories for his articles; this one is no exception :p

So maybe just a flexible long-term license, based on the popularity/checkout usage?

Yes, but won't that be the case in the future as well? The Google sanctioned devices enjoying 1-2 OS versions for months before anyone else? Seems like a pretty nice competitive advantage.

Damn, the Nexus S is right in there.

Isn't that the dentist's office in Bioshock? DON'T TURN AROUND!

File this one under "just can't adjust to the digital age".

Some old memories are best left lost.

So quick I missed it.

Buying on mere promise and potential encourages companies to release beta products, and products that just aren't ready for release.

That is a pretty cool idea-be great if it were part of the OS.

I was going to suggest it was ChatRoulette with fewer naked people, but then realized it had photo avatars.

Sarah Pal..oh, nevermind.

So maybe Google should do a reference Tablet, like the G1; kinda set the direction.

Hardware and software both matter. But shouldn't that give companies like RIM, Apple, and HP an inherent advantage, since they can work long-term integrating both?