Darth Credence

What makes this cop a good guy? Has he turned in corrupt cops? Stopped a situation from escalating? Done anything, except make a video where he claims that law enforcement can turn all of this around, no problem?

I can see how specific training styles can make a difference in how the cops act. But I don’t see how that in any way makes it more about training than about race when it is stipulated that they would have backed down if the crowd had not been primarily Black. If it’s bad training, then they wouldn’t back down no

I was so hoping that would be the song playing - thanks for the link.

I am unclear on what the point is of saying that it definitely would have played out differently if the crowd hadn’t been Black, and how that relates to race vs training.

Cops in the state are more likely to Black drivers.

Dried mustard is one of the ingredients in my personal dry rub. I think toastiness is a good way to describe it, although I wouldn’t call it really pungent. I can tell if its been left out, certainly, and it really needs it.

The reason to not brush your teeth in the shower is that it wastes water. For two minutes, you are having the shower run while brushing, when you should be brushing with no water running, only turning the sink on to wet the brush and rinse at the end.

I played Downhill Jam. As you said, it was a launch game on the Wii, and I loved the other TH games I’d played, so I got it. I didn’t play it very much.

I think the ultimate cause of all death is brain hypoxia. As long as the brain is getting the oxygen it needs to keep things functioning, the being is still alive. If the heart stops, until the brain is oxygen starved, the person can still come back. But nothing can bring back a brain that has died from lack of

I happen to have some leftover pizza at home from the weekend, and a waffle iron that doesn’t get enough use, so I’m doing this tonight. I think adding additional cheese and toppings in between is a bit much for me, but my wife would eat a full brick of melted cheese if it was available, so maybe she’ll give that

I go with good almost every time, and I disagree completely with Ari that there is no such thing as a good route. In some games, sure, but there are plenty that you can still be a good person.

I always saw the choice between Stormcloaks and Empire as a pretty clear moral choice. Sure, the Empire was willing to execute you for the crime of sneaking over the border since you were also in the wrong place at the wrong time, but other than that, they seem pretty clearly morally superior to the Stormcloaks. The

Hell, if we get some actual zombies running around I think we have a blackout win on this card.

Nope. There are not two sides to this issue. Don’t return the cart, and you’re the asshole. It doesn’t matter if some hypothetical employee really wants to waste a bunch of time chasing after carts, because there are other issues with not returning the carts. Damage to vehicles when they roll into them, and blocking

If you do that, you’re an asshole.

For the record, they absolutely do not loathe Trump. They love him, as he is somehow able to say all the racist crap and get elected.

Yes, they should cancel the season in protest. The NFL players should do the same thing when their turn comes around. The ridiculous amounts of money made by the leagues mostly goes to rich white men - fuck with their money, and they may decide to get on board with fighting against this shit.

There’s three-player coop, but it’s only local.

Can Apple and Google stand to lose revenue from one of the biggest video games ever?

I can get behind onion rings on a breakfast sandwich, but if you’re going to do it, I’d go with bacon onion rings.