Darth Credence

We don’t want to speed up that process. If it breaks down, then there will be greenhouse gases released. If it stays as plastic for 10,000 years, then we are segregating that much carbon for 10,000 years.

The recycling process is net worse than just throwing it away, if the plastic can be segregated from any waterways. It’s a carbon sink - if you turn oil into plastics, you aren’t burning them and creating carbon dioxide. If you recycle, you free up more oil for burning. If you safely contain the plastic in a landfill,

It ending up in the landfills is absolutely not the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario would be it all ending up in the ocean.

There are absolutely ways around it. Tesla could make a massive lot, populated with hundreds of their cars, and run tests on them continually for years. And yes, they could replicate the chaos of a normal parking lot. Mannequins on roombas would be a good start. Add that to hundreds of Teslas all trying to do their

The basic Smart Summon technology is incredibly impressive

I agree - rock on, rock.

I did not know that he had life threatening problems. Glad he got it taken care of. Thanks!

And you were correct - this is absolutely a joke, and it is absolutely advertising for their regular restaurants. That they will do this for a night does not change that.

I promise you, an Arby’s roast beef sandwich will react the same way.

As a counterpoint, I am currently on my third (maybe fourth, depending on how you count it) play through of that game, in that I have started it three times and never been able to actually make it through. The first two times, I made it to the witch woman that you meet in a bath, whatever her name is. I got into the

I can see where you are coming from on most of these, but I don’t agree that Bioshock: Infinite has a place on this list - and I enjoyed playing it when it came out. But looking back now, it isn’t a game that made a long term impression on me. I haven’t thought about Bioshock in any capacity since I played B:I until I

Best Oreo flavor - Oreo.

Why not? I would bet that Mark Twain would have a killer Tweet game if he was around today, and would be worth reading.

I generally use Parvati and Nyoka, but Max is my third choice. I’m not a big fan of Felix, although he’s OK, and I just plain don’t like SAM. Somehow I have missed recruiting the other one, who I read is named Ellie and I should have found her by now.

You can’t start an article with “Time is fleeting”! I had to run through the entirety of “Time Warp” before I could move on with the article. (“It’s astounding” wouldn’t do it, but man, that does.)

No one near me eats Krispy Kremes. They exist, and there are two or three stores in the valley, but no one has brought them in in a long time. If someone is bringing in donuts, they either go with the place that is two blocks away, or they go to a place called Dunford Bakery to get really good donuts.

Did he do the follow up and try some junk food after the reset? Because if it ended up tasting amazing, then I’m not sure it’s worth the time. If it ends up that you find you like Brussels sprouts more than potato chips, then I’ll do it.

Really? How can you not know who he is? He’s a Legend!

Herbs on pizza are normally a good thing.

If that is just a bachelor’s degree, then this is not unusual. You took 6 years to get what should nominally be a 4 year degree. A lot of people can go to school and pay for it by working, but they end up going to school part time with a full time job. If that describes you, great, then you are like a whole lot of