Darth Vader

Those drones are not operated by complex software.

You mean the reply button? Replying to a comment promotes it, too.

If only you knew me pre-op...

There's really no reason for a bailer to be able to use the Stinger or IGLA. Sure, the countermeasures are alright, but then you would have to use a specialization slot. Of course, most people will use that anyway.

It is creepy how much Desmond looks like me.

Engineers have to jump out to repair their vehicles. With jets, you cannot repair them, but they will automatically regenerate health if they avoid combat for a while (like all vehicles). If they are damaged enough, though, they will become disabled. Fires will start on the engines, and the jet will become harder to

I have heard that this will be impossible in the final release, for (obvious) balancing reasons.

...you promoted this comment.

I'm pretty sure most people complaining about this beta are actually just really bad at it, and are blaming it on the bugs.

The UI on my Xbox really isn't that important. I don't know why so many people are complaining.

Why pay it any attention?

I rest my case.

Why should I care about Alyssa's dating life?


It was temporary. But if you got it then you could play it forever and not pay for it.

It's a blog. One writer may have a bias that another does not.

What is this I don't even

The guy who posted all the leaks said it was "awesome", so I doubt it's going to be much different than the PS3 version. If there was a huge difference, DICE would just show it to the public. If they waited a really long time to reveal that one version wasn't very good, people would make a huge stink about how they

There have been leaked videos of it, but they're of such low quality (the guy's capture card, or whatever he's using, is awful) I won't even link them.

They have become interchangeable.