Darth Vader

It says right under it:

That would involve Microsoft giving you the information about a module/dll/program that is possibly copyrighted.

It acts as a map pack for Reach.

Damn George and his money making schemes.

Brother. So, I have a twin brother.

My response as well. Looks like we'll have to rule Kotaku, father and father.


*ignites Lightsaber*

"Cover is for the weak". That's one of the slogans that appeared on the marketing for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Perhaps that should be amended to read "Cover is for those not nearly eight feet tall and encased in power armor".

I know it's all staged and everything, and it was cool. Really, it was cool. But it broke the third wall when that guy had no hopper. As in no paintballs in his gun. It's be like the Arnold running around, shooting bad guys with no clip in his rifle.

If surround sound doesn't sound right, it's because the speakers are either positioned incorrectly or the sound source is not configured correctly. The people making movies and games know where the speakers can be (as there are standard setups), so they have their sound mixed accordingly.

Then talk to Microsoft. XBL doesn't work that way. Which is also why it's more secure. No outward doors.

I can definitively say that, no, it will not look like that on your TV. It will look like that on your 360, but SD will not show it in that high of quality.

And thus the game.

You bashed the game.

Survival whorror.

C'mon, people, don't judge the entire game on less than 50 seconds of footage.

That's not what he's saying. Windows boots, then the programs start up. Windows is usable before those boot up, they just slow everything down. And there's no real way to stop that from happening, as it completely depends on what the user installs.