Darth Vader

"Factory coated super high quality thermal paste" — they don't apply thermal paste in factories. They use thermal tape. And it is, scientifically and statistically, worse than not having any thermal paste at all.

Jesus Christ doesn't often actually appear and give a sermon at most churches.

An RPG-7 hit an AC-130? My Stormtroopers should take some lessons from these Russians.

Simple supply and demand.

Splitting hairs? That was a pretty valid point. Zombies don't shoot or act like humans, they just come at you. These guys will take cover, shoot, throw grenades, and be smart about attacking you. So, essentially, this is zombie mode - zombies = survival mode.

I find your lack of faith distur—

Have they played WH40k?

Adorable + fighting game = 1/0

My cat had fleas. I used this. The fleas are gone, but, man, my cat looks like a major coke addict.

Being "blown away" by something = that thing is paying you?

Why don't you have a star, again?

Well, when Shadowrun tried cross-platform between Xbox 360 and PC, the PC gamers always won. A mouse gives you pinpoint precision instantly, while a stick takes a moment to get to where you want to point it.

0:48 — Niko Bellic.

Then you didn't RTFA.

I am a PC gamer, and I will say this to my fellow PC games:


This was supposed to be a response to DocSeuss, but something got messed up.

Same designer, Viktor Antonov.

Well, to be fair, Joel is saying all of this because he's a video game writer, and he's writing up his thoughts on Dishonored. He didn't say any of it was fact.

My PS3 shot a man, once, I think in Reno.