Darth Vader

Damn. Dude's the definition of badass.

Until you can watch porn on your console, gamers will still work PCs into their lives.

I've got both. More of my friends play Xbox 360. So I would get that.

Luke, I find your lack of faith disturbing.

I'll bet money that launching BF3 through Steam with the overlay is going to make Punkbuster kick you.

Yes. Dark Forces. It didn't have sound. But I played it over 100 times (I kept track).

My cousin (whom I game a lot with, in the same room), can't spin in a full circle in any video game. TPS, FPS, RTS — anything. It makes him dizzy and nauseous. He can't even watch my screen if I'm using a high sensitivity.

Well, they've in turn notified me. I am a frequent observer of their actions, but I am suspicious. The Twitter they're using...I'm not sure about its code clearance.

The whole thing with Alderaan kind of ruined our reputation.

You know, my organization could really use a few pointers from North Korea. They've got this whole autocratic despotism down really well.

The word "technically" means "according to the exact meaning of something."

No digital download and Origin gives early beta access. Plus, you have to install Origin to play BF3 anyway.

My fall to the Dark Side of the force is complete.

I sense something; a presence I've not felt since...

So I can pay $20 and get the Greeks and Egyptians, and play the entirety of the game, right? I just won't get the DLC.

Politics + internet = ...well, you get the idea.


Stupid hipsters.

It isn't hard to learn at all. It's literally point, click, and kill. It's only in there because games of that day (i.e. the mod stage days) had one-hit-kills in them, like Quake's railgun and Instagib modes.

Removal of their prominence, not removal of the guns themselves.