Darth Vader

Hm. I'm glad this is coming out, but the removal of the AK and M4 prominence is strange to me. The existence of powerful weapons made you want to survive.

And Nintendo is a company that relies on consumers, and if they turn fickle, their business suffers.

I have recently begun to wonder why comment sections exist, and what they add to the internet.

Well I just came from Alderaan, but there's not much to see there.

1) Notch and Carmack know a hell of a lot more about this than I do, so I will trust their opinions that this is possible but not yet feasible.

I read the title, and pinball using dead human bodies would be...interesting.

Battlelog already has a K/D screen and a voice communication component. If you notice in these pictures, there is a 'comm center' that includes built-in text and voice chat. I have not seen how this would work for consoles, but I am certain they won't forget that enormous audience in making Battlelog's voice system.

Writing a story wouldn't be sharing classified information.

Jesus, he was annoying. I force-choked him that night, but of course when I told them that they took it even further.

I hear your in-laws are almost as bad as mine.

Counter Strike: Source.

"...only one man has the background to develop the back-story of RU Special Forces operator..."

In the original Diablo, online play was a feature — a selling point.

Does it happen to be a SteelSeries mouse?

Battlefield 3 will probably be a good bet, if you're interested. I'd give it a few good reasons:

Umbra? [lures you out of the dungeon and runs you back to the city so the guards can kill you because I'm not good enough]

He only said that to demonstrate how he doesn't think that.

I can't tell if that baby is terrified of being sold or just pooping.