Darth Vader

Everyone seems to think Pawn Stars have some seedy fellows in charge. As if the pawning business wasn't about buying something for less than you think it's worth.

You can't come crying to me until you operate a battle station in DOS. Those were some top-secret plans — and a total pain in the ass to navigate. You had better check that your "ready" boolean is set to true and, by the Emperor, do NOT misspell "fire.exe".

I'm glad every commenter is now an expert on women. I've greatly improved my knowledge of women due to their factual statements!

I made it.

...Except with this you could have 20 cores and a dedicated (as in better than onboard) GPU, and it wouldn't cost $5000. Yeah, the 12-core Mac Pro costs $5000. That's ludicrous.

Essentially, a multi-core processor is one CPU split up into multiple sub-processors. A quad-core 3.2 GHz processor has the equivalent power (roughly speaking) of four single-core 3.2 GHz CPUs.

Just started meaning I have come to the conclusion that it was the most appropriate course of action.

I've just started Force-choking GameStop cashiers if they ask me to pre-order something.

That was the joke.

He's funnier than Jon Stewart!

He was probably just making a little joke.

My greatest weakness?

Recent change. I suppose it just took a while. Voldemort's only so fun to be for a while.

I've been found out!

I'm mufugging Darth Vader, that's why.

The Jedi betrayed me, so I slaughtered them.

Alright, let's give him that. Then he leaves me to die, and not just die from something normal, but from a freaking lava flow. I WAS BURNED ALIVE.

...I'm Darth Vader.

Darth Fucking Vader.