Darth Vader

So how is BF3 on the Xbox not up to par with the PS3 version? Especially since it hasn't been seen, and also because porting from PC (Windows) to the Xbox is almost too easy?

Well, if you play it right, you can win them with visuals, too.

MAG does not have a destructible environment to work with and synchronize across the game session. Neither does Homefront.

Supporting 32 players and supporting 32 players in a destructible environment are two entirely different things.

MAG does not have a destructible environment to work with and synchronize across the game session.

Why is the Move better than the Wii Motion Plus?

I don't know what a boulder drop is (or what the hell he's talking about), but BF3 looks to be a great place to jump into the series. BF2 was awesome — I used to play in a clan and I still play it often. But, if you're not on PC, or you don't want to try an older game, just wait for this and get it. It will be

Why is CoD the 360's game? And why is the 360 version of Battlefield 3 not compelling?

24 on consoles. The console hardware can't support more than that.

No, that part of the video is a little hard to tell in lower resolutions. In that part, where the guy sets up his M-249 above teh escalator, he has a scope with crosshairs. Those crosshairs make their aimpoint above the iron sights. It looks a little weird in the video, but it's much better than having iron sights in

It was far worse in BF2, but it adds to the tension of combat. It makes it a little more submersive. It's a little counterintuitive, but it really does have that effect.

Wait, there's Recon gameplay in that video? I can't find it unless one of the guys with an M4 is Recon. Which would be awesome.

Well, seeing as socialism has the word 'society' plugged onto the front, and is defined as a system where society owns and controls the means of economic production for its own good...I think you've missed the point on socialism.

You mean the RPK at 2:00 in the second video?

It's in alpha until the developers say it's in beta. Then, and only then, it is in beta.

Anti-vehicle infantry isn't what was overpowered. Since BF2, vehicles have been underutilized because there are simply so many ways to kill them easily. To name those off the top of my head: C4, mines, AT launchers, stationary AT launchers, jet chainguns, jet bombs, helicopter gunner TV missiles, helicopter pilot

It's Spiderman. It'll probably be a so-so movie. Now can you get a YouTube account so this video player can go die?

...read his other comments.

Damn, that guy has a really convenient pocket for stashing AK-47s.

Vehicles with regenerating health could work regardless, I think. Regenerating health is a controversy because of games like Call of Duty — you get shot twice, and you just have to hide behind a barrel to gain back your full health.