Darth Vader


Yeah, that's a more than decent setup. Go for it if you have the disposable income.

Where's the "Sell Arms" card?

Well you clearly have no idea what socialism is.

Oh. That sucks. I don't really buy used anyway.

Saying that is totally against the ethos of Ubuntu.

You can argue with it when it's anecdotal.

It's not definite, I was just saying I'm wary of it.

Steam may be more secure and have more capabilities, but when you think about it, XBL lets you join a friend's game quickly and easily while also providing built-in chat support, among many other things. It's very powerful in its social aspect and well-suited to the console scene.

While I can see myself getting on board with it, the idea of two enormous corporations teaming up to provide my home entertainment seems like it could go horribly awry.

I'd say this was the best mod I've ever seen.

I thought there would be a thousand anti-Kinect comments in here by now!

Wait, so are you the fanboy troll he was baiting?

I can see the third dimension just fine without them screwing up the focus in my movies.

Yeah the 560 Ti is probably your best bet. You can find it on newegg for around $200, and that's a great deal (though I did notice you used pounds, and I don't know if it's a similar situation in the UK). The ATI 6950 is around the same performance level, but has no PhysX and is slightly more expensive.

I didn't even realize that. It's only $20 on the Xbox and $56 on the PS3. That seems so...anti-profitable.

They essentially have regional monopolies. Comcast has one area, Qwest has another... they just get to name a price. That said, the speed and data caps are well within the reasonable range. This guy went way over because he didn't think uploads counted against his data cap.

The US putting missiles in Italy and Turkey was a reaction to USSR development of second-strike warheads! Neither country did anything without a valid reason.

The US put missiles in Turkey and Japan. This gave the US a nuclear advantage. Wanting to mutually assure destruction (MAD), as both countries did, the USSR wanted to retaliate with new missile bases of their own. Their opportunity came in Cuba. They built missile bases. The Cuban Missile Crisis ensued. The result:

Boromir: ...What is this new devilry?