Darth Vader

Here's the situation:

Here's my essay:

The Indian economy has been skyrocketing. 8.2% for 2011. That's insane.

That's Bungie, not Xbox Live Cloud.

I totally agree with you, but the best action to take is to leave the trolls alone.

This, obviously, is referring to non-XBLA games.

Is anyone else seriously looking for a Battlefield 3 (PC) clan?

A rotary tool at 5 volts?

Wait, so she might be ugly, but...Shepard sees an alien species' face for the first time and bangs her anyway?

Everyone knows the saying "The winners write the histories." Nobody listens to it.

He's way too busy looking for short-range fighters coming back. They may just appear to have been a part of some convoy, but they don't have hyperdrive engines.

"in Iraq fighting the foreigners."

Dude...yeah I can't believe he actually said that.


"Kinect is so dumb" ~ "piece of crap kinect"

I'd say "half" the reason is quite an overestimate. I'm sure price and ease of access have much more to do with it.

Did you even read my post?

Battlefield 3, the CoD-killing...indie adventure game?

I thought this was going to be Battlefield 3 footage.

I wouldn't say that was a reason against writing it.