Darth Vader

I'll clear this up for some people:

How old are you?

I've never played a flight simulator. I have, though, been shown how to fly a plane. I'm saying that a journalist could definitely get behind the controls and move the plane around like she did here. However, she wouldn't be able to put it through any maneuvers or even use it for its designed purpiose. I was just

It was a rhetorical question, really. I was referring to the failure of countries claiming to be communist to deliver on that ideal, e.g. the USSR.

Thank you, PC gaming internet trolls, for making all PC gamers look like total dicks.

Has there ever been a real communist country?

A journalist could probably fly an F-22. Could they do it well in a combat situation? No.

Food grade diatomaceous earth will kill almost all insect pests and is completely pet and human safe. Fleas, bedbugs, ants, roaches, etc.

I'm board, and I accidentally the whole thing.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

That title is a little misleading.

It wasn't that he cheated in the game of chess. He cheated in a comptetition between programmers to make a chess-playing program. He cheated by stealing the code of other programmers.

And we find out that Metal Gear Solid is actually just the product of teen angst.

No! My one opportunity to actually find and pummel the kid screaming at me over the headset is gone!

Dumbass? He's a criminal mastermind. He managed to steal three items from four locations.

Okay, cool. An well-worded apology from Cody.

The MW.3 prototype controller was codenamed "Richter."

Not much changes until you get to the last two guys.

Sometimes I turn on GTA IV, just drive to some scenic location, and just watch the world move for a few minutes.

"Everything Wrong with Parenting in Less Than Two Minutes"