Darth Vader

We were closer than we'd ever been, but we were still so far.

I think you're missing something — people hate on Call of Duty because of Activision. People refarin from hating on Battlefield not because of EA, but because of DICE. DICE has made great games and always listens to its community. EA has managed to receive that immunity to criticism through its association with DICE.

Did we ever have sight of the horrors of war?

Man everyone on DeviantArt is so supportive of this guy and then he gets one picture posted on Kotaku and we rip him apart.

If you click through you'll see that he has his own universe, the characters in which are referred to as Helldivers. It's not really supposed to fall in line with Mass Effect, it's just a reimagining within his Helldiver teams.

Well, first of all, 'most' households do not have two iPhones, let alone one. That's at least $500 of disposable income. The number of households with two iPhones is nowhere near 'most.'

And ignorant comments abound!

Because they can. You can use Google to find security holes by searching the code of websites for vulnerabilities. It's not that a website will tell you how, it's that the site designers have overlooked a piece of vulnerable code or the like.

Yes, it can legally be argued that he was not fully aware fo the ramifications of his actions, assuming he was actually a member of LulzSec. This is especially true with LulzSec because they did it "for teh lulz", despite involving the release of a great deal of sensitive information. It could be argued that, because

I believe you may have missed the sarcastic tone of that particular sentence in the article.

The fanboy is strong with these commenters...let the butthurt flow through you...

Why would Xavier need ice? And why are all his teeth falling out? And why does he look like he's been on crystal meth for a year?

Well, the literal context means it doesn't have to be censored, but the implied context does. Plus, I think they censored it themselves to draw attention. I'm not sure it was a legal thing.

A Somalian friend of mine who went to my high school would say he needed to pray at the same time every day. He would go put down his prayer mat in the back of the classroom, kneel, pray (he was Muslim, so he was killing two birds with one stone), then put his head down while still kneeling and sleep for like twenty

I've never understood the argument over controllers. It's clearly a matter of taste — it's like arguing whether or not the turtleneck is better than the hooded sweatshirt.

Treason is for a crime against a national government. This is a crime against a state government.


At 1:07 the thing's foot moves through the leg of a gas tank...

I think that's his left hand open, pushing the clip into the gun.

Cue statements about the DualShock controller, stated as if the expressed opinion is fact.