Darth Vader

Sony has not yet waived trial by jury, but they likely will as a jury would cause them a disadvantage.

It's Helen!

Except soccer, rugby, hockey, wrestling, boxing, racing, running, swimming, gymnastics, field events, archery...

For clarity's sake:

Sony is the parent company of both parts. It's the law that parent companies are responsible for any and all actions of their subdivisions.

It is against the law to neglect the security of personal information of customers. The people are suing saying that they demonstrated negligence in firing their network security workers.

I take it you've never seen the British spelling of 'organization.'

Your conditional response was unnecessary.

Why am I not surprised that he's a total douche, completely useless, and totally unfunny?

Whitta said something about a presentation that Jamie Kennedy did two years ago. It's become a joke, and he should get over it. Jamie Kennedy responded by calling them dorks and dismissed them as unimportant, and went on to call people "lardass", "bitch", and other demeaning things.

Okay, we can't call them dumb for not knowing anything about video games. They're booth babes.

Pre-order for a map pack and some fancy weapons? Psh, please.

In Ghost Recon one player has access to the map, weapons, and the special abilities associated with the new controller. The other players do not have this quick access.

So you can see how it's a barrier, then?

My point is that it has the functionality of a tablet computer, only it is not as portable but can make use of a television.

I wasn't talking about the video. I was just saying that remapping buttons can lead to imbalances. Imbalances are unfair. Even if players have access to them, they don't necessarily use them for various reasons (don't know about them, already used to the default controls, etc).

So this is essentially a tablet computer that plays Zelda and connects to your TV, but can't be used anywhere except the living room?

Well, as the article points out, the new controller is one of the focal points of the Wii U. It's HD, and it has the new controller.

Well, to be fair, the saem games have it on PC with remapping and it can lead to considerable unbalance.

Are you playing on any kind of public netowrk? Like a school or business network of some kind?