Darth Vader

@potka: What? Did you even read it? I agreed that it wasn't a spoiler, that they were correct, but that the title misled me to believe that it was a spoiler.

@Guard: Right. There are 3 popular FPSs on PC right now. Sure, more play consoles, but you're being ridiculous in saying that there are only 3 popular FPS games.

@resvrgam: Seeing as the Xbox 360 doesn't control any markets, cornering a market would be neither possible nor profitable for Microsoft. Their PC OS is the dominant PC gaming platform — why would they kill that part of their business? To channel it into another part of their own business?

@potka: See my response to the multiple other people who posted the same thing the other week.

@MarkB: You just contradicted yourself. A constant speed loss would be evidenced by consistent speed losses. Gaseous interference would show intermittent (inconsistent time displacement) losses of differing magnitudes, because the gas pockets are not spread uniformly or consistently.

Yo dawg I heard you like Monster...

@UberRob: Look, the people who work at NASA probably know more about these things than someone commenting on Gizmodo. I'm sure they didn't see a decrease in speed and go "What ho! A new physical force! Eureka, men, we've done it!" They probably thought plenty about it and decided they didn't know enough about the

@topher.peter: That has to do with the relative theory of gravity. The farther from a mass you are, the longer space and time become. To an outside observer, it would seem like your speed was changing — but it would be increasing. For this to happen, though, the satellite would have to be going about 650 millions

@MarkB: The drag is constant, not intermittent. So I'd say no.

@Vanilla-Terror: Playing God would be creating life. We're just changing it.

@typeTheEND: No. Reach is the best Halo so far.

@MHTSOS: The $150 was for something just like this, only more expensive.

@clobclark: After finishing the game, you were right. It isn't a spoiler. Here's what happened: I was reading Kotaku. I saw "Master Chief is in Halo: Reach." Not wanting to spoil more of the ending, I didn't watch the video. I assumed that he actually appeared, in full character, and that this surprise was now ruined.

@otakufish: After finishing the game, you were right. It isn't a spoiler. Here's what happened: I was reading Kotaku. I saw "Master Chief is in Halo: Reach." Not wanting to spoil more of the ending, I didn't watch the video. I assumed that he actually appeared, in full character, and that this surprise was now ruined.

Oh wow. Spoiler in the title. Thanks a lot.

I laughed out loud when I noticed the smoke in Snoop's house.