Darth Imperius

They can’t have officially gay characters because of the Chinese market. They a strict policy banning positive LGBT characters. And no, you can’t bend the rules by making it official that they’re straight in China, but at the same time gay in the rest of the world.

Bullshit, I play torbjorn in comp every game.

Wtf does a characters sexuality have to do with an FPS?

If I kill a gay character am I a homophobic or am I a homophobic if I don’t kill them?

Hurry up with the somba release bliz

How about change the hook so it doesn’t reach you from across the god damn universe.

After the extender hits you a few dozen time and softens you up, you will fit.

I’m not college educated, so maybe someone of higher intelligence can tell me what a straphanger is.

Twenty-First Century subway platforms are supposed to look like this:

That looks like a building that, if I entered, would drug me AND murder me, and then eat my body so I would never be found.

indecent exposure, open container, and depending if anyone is injured, the DUI could be a felony. I believe taking selfies while drunk and driving, resulting in a accident...  constitutes as reckless. Whether or not the DA chooses to accept all of those charges, is another matter.

Also charged with Driving with the Load Not Properly Tied Down.

young white blonde girl in a nice car

I live in Texas. Most women here are so fat that, unless you’re into plumpers, you don’t want to see them topless. Not fat shaming, I just happen to not want to see obese women topless. I live in a college town.

That’s the only charge? Must be nice to be a White Girl™

Whatever will we do? Hand wash our cars? Are you crazy?

Yes, this was a problem until I push the very conveniently located button on the center stack that disables all the radars etc while the car is in Neutral for this exact purpose.

Warlords of Draenor

In case you nerds need it (and judging by most of the parodies I’ve already seen, you seriously do), here’s an animated After Effects template I made of the Overwatch Play-Of-The-Game text, available for your downloading and parodying pleasure.