The best, and only acceptable wrenching music is 50 Rock ‘n Roll.
The best, and only acceptable wrenching music is 50 Rock ‘n Roll.
That’s fucked up.
Holy Fucking Rekt
It was just accepted by the Navy yesterday.
Maybe he means just looking at it longingly in your driveway rather than driving it.
Still less shifting than Fast and the Furious.
GQ = Shit is coming
Phalanx = Shit is here now!
With radials you could also get away with “Close Enough” and not crash :P
ANd electronic pretentioners in the reel. My jeep eats up the slack when I floor it or make highway exits/ entrances that lean a little.
You can fix stupid with Duck Tape™.
It’s not about protecting yourself, it’s about you not becoming a meat missile that kills someone else.
Time to update your 1980 Motorola
He watched 70 go by in the first second.
“We have 99.999% hit rate with our bombs Sir”
Seeing the older WWII designs doing their jobs always makes me wonder how well they would do for us in a low intensity conflict where we don’t need jets.
For a plane it is.
... I’ll be in my bunk.