Do what every other baseball player does. DIP! Then "accidentally" spit on people you don't like.
Do what every other baseball player does. DIP! Then "accidentally" spit on people you don't like.
"Look, his beard goes all the way down his neck! I think it even connects to his happy trail. Why hasn't Gillette offered you a sponsorship yet? The advertising writes itself."
At some point, the Bill Belichick school of NFL rehabilitation has got to fail. I can just picture the icy glare staring at that massive mouth.
I wonder where they got all those pictures of his O face?
Dustin Diamond will also be there. Hey, someone has to clean up after you people.
May I finish? MAY I FINISH?.... Ok, I'm finished.
No, sir, I will not stay for half a meatball sub. There isn't even any cheese godamnit! I deserve cheese! See you bastards next year when we're in a top-draft-pick playoff.
@BadAxe: "I guess it's more understandable to hurt someone because of their race and sexual preference, instead of the team they support huh America."
Also, Saturday is Lead Pipe day at the stadium, so don't forget to bring you're favorite head bashing tool.
Delivery within 30 minutes or less is no longer offered.
Doing bicycle kicks in the air isn't going to change anything...
"busted up Chevettes racing in the snow"
That's Ballsy.
@Captain Sword: You saw marijuana in that photo? I didn't. i saw smoke. I saw a bong. Both are not illegal. Since the kid was selling the bong on ebay, stands to reason he was smart enough to clean it (or some USPS drug dog would be going nuts over that package). So, no, no evidence. Just suspicion and common…
Still waiting quietly for the Simmons article about how SOME people write BS stories for page 2 and get away with it, but he still isn't upset at ESPN and this has nothing to do with Rick Reilly.
Is it just me or did the artist put the devils right foot in an awkward location? Just saying...