Christopher Lee meets Death.
Christopher Lee meets Death.
That is a fantastic picture. Thank you for sharing from your private collection.
Peter Jackson: “Alright, have you found someone to play Saruman yet?”
Look, Sir Pterry has a deal with Death thanks to all of those biographies that he wrote of him, and I’m sure Sir Christopher, Mr. Williams and Mr. Nimoy are having a hilariously metal time of things together.
He may be gone, but the legacy he left behind will live on.
Dear Death,
Many know him as an actor, fewer as a metal head, and even fewer remember that before that he was a off beat, pissed off, blow shit up with a grin Commando with the precursors to the SAS and worked with the Baker street Irregulars during the war.
We were lucky to have him for so long. I loved him as Dracula when I was just a kid! But I believe his best body of work has been within the last 15 years, a gift to 2 more generations of my family of his talent.
Veteran actor Sir Christopher Lee, star of The Lord of the Rings films, The Wicker Man, The Man with the Golden Gun and the Star Wars prequels, has passed away at the age of 93.
Yes, they were in the running for many of be same roles... *cough* Wait what?
Except for Robert Mugabe, on the off-chance that he’s a commenter here.
You know someone is much beloved when they are 93 and people have no concept at all that they could die.
Here I was, coming to Kotaku to get light headed and this is the first thing when the site opens. There goes my day.
RIP Saruru, may your metal bring many orcs to the yard in heaven.
It’s R.I.P. or RIP you grammar casual, not R.I.P
RIP Christopher Lee.
The guy is freaking awesome. Lee did both the US and German dub of King Haggard from the Last Unicorn.
Damn, should have seen this coming, but still, hits hard. RIP Mr. Lee, you're playing metal in the sky now.