Darrien D'Astar

You should ckeckout Wimbledon. Everyone plays on Grass

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked image of Tilda Swinton holding up concept art of her character.

- He just wanted to make sure you understood how he used his hands to create the yellow power with his hands so that it was clear his hands were used for the yellow power, which he made with his hands.

- Crossones is a reference to new marvel cross over property with Mavic featuring a villainous bicycle wheel.

- So they

My favorite part of the protest was when they asked him to respond to their concerns and be held publicly accountable, then refused to give him the mic so he could do so.

I usually love Greg’s pieces, but the logic herein makes no sense. Sure, Bernie won’t be elected (neither will all but one of the other candidates running), and Bernie can’t fix racial injustice. As opposed to Jeb’s plan to do so? Trump’s?

You realize you proved him 100% right? This is typical millenial bullshit: Snark at others’ solutions; have none of your own.

That’s a load of crap. His stance on race issues has been a part of his platform since day 1. He just notified people after consolidating them all into their very own special section on his website so people would be more aware of his positions. So less morons would disrupt the one presidential hopeful who could help

Did the most recent protest spark the upload of the his stance on race to his website? Likely. Did he manage between Seattle and Portland to craft “an extensive stand on race” for posting on his website? Highly unlikely. You don’t just throw together a policy position on the drive over for upload in the morning.

Well Sanders is a politician. He will, at all times, behave like a politician. But just as economic tools are an imperfect solution to racism but one I think worth embracing, Sanders is an imperfect candidate but also I think worth embracing because holy shit, the pickings are slim. I also don’t think Hamilton ever

Yeah, exactly. Good point.

Seems like a very all-or-nothing take. If Bernie can’t fix the problem 100%, on the day he takes office, then he’s ripe for criticism because he hasn’t done enough and won’t do enough in the future? Not really a fan of that analysis.

I have an honest question for you: why is #BLM so focused on Sanders? This isn’t saying that criticism of him is unfair or shouldn’t be said. Not by a long shot.

“as well-meant as they are, they don’t address the fact that even if he wins, there’s still going to be racism and everything that comes with it”

Just like as well-meaning as this article is, Greg, it doesn’t address the fact that even if he, or any Democrat, no matter how progressive, wins, they’re going to be dealing

Comic Sans W or Arial? Totally different in the sky you know.

That’s right, I’m talking about our old enemy, the moon.

If you’re having trouble tracking that, look for Cassiopeia first

Hah I have a skylight so I don’t even have to go outside like the plebs.

that... and going OUTSIDE.

God-damnit, I’ve been looking at the floor all these years.

Let me guess, it’s by looking up isn’t it?