the funniest part of this story is they are that someone called leicester players ‘stars’
the funniest part of this story is they are that someone called leicester players ‘stars’
I love love LOVE a soccer player porn scandal!
Minging isn’t a racial slur, but these guys are still dumb as shit.
“Leicester City Stars.......”
Leicester City has announced that the Pearson, Hopper, and Smith are to be suspended indefinitely, starting immediately. Team officials cited their own internal standards of professional conduct, which requires that all players film potentially embarrassing videos in landscape.
JT doesn’t bang hooker. He’s better than that.
Gosh, I wonder if opposition fans will be singing songs about this next year.
So they’re Murray Head fans. Big deal.
I’m sure the parents are very proud of their sons.
So basically, this is the tamest trip to Thailand in history
*John Terry immediately hands in transfer request*
All is forgiven for your choice of GIF there.
I am going to be the Debbie Downer here you guys. This sounds like a GREAT way to find out if you have epilepsy.
my little 10 year old cousins are going with their mom and I am shamefully jealous. However their mom did once take me to see the Barenaked Ladies and that was pretty fucking awesome too.
Thank you, Mr. Goebbels.
Qatar is the per-capita richest country in the world. The average Qatari makes about twice as much per year as the average American.
Yeah fuck these guys for talking about a worldwide scandal, the most corrupt corporation in the world, and people dying because of it. God fuck this non story.