An amazing, beautiful game. One gripe though; I can’t read the button inputs as they’re tiny as hell and only on the screen for a minute or so. I really wish the game developers would consider some of us can’t see as well.
An amazing, beautiful game. One gripe though; I can’t read the button inputs as they’re tiny as hell and only on the screen for a minute or so. I really wish the game developers would consider some of us can’t see as well.
You have to be a superhero to turn slightly and reach things that are at any angle other than directly in front of you? I guess I’m looking to start a team, then. I’m like freaking Superman. ;-)
You really need to play around with the control sensitivities to make the shooting manageable. I’ve found that maxing out Aim Acceleration and 0ing out the Dead Zone is the way to go. I’ve also found I like to travel in third person but do combat in first person.
I think they’re funny. Amazing Chest Ahead I think was sort of the classic one after defeating O&S.
Who gives a shit? This is like saying “Blocks are great except kids spell BOOBS”.
The new hotness for sexy games is the Nintendo Switch, as shown by the new pinball game coming soon in Japan:
I wonder if the PC version will make use of Nvidia’s new rat tracing or if it’ll stick with ratsterization
While it’s not my place/nor right to tell someone whether they’re offended or not. I do feel that we’ve spent so much effort and energy on fighting microaggressions, that we forgot to fight normal aggression and now it’s sitting in the White House and walking the streets carrying tiki torches.
It’s almost like the majority of the Kotaku staff are hypocrites. No way!
I absolutely despise this trope in anime, but I love Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid and Kanna. I hate that they sexualize her, but I love how cute she is in the more innocent moments of the anime. I’m so conflicted....
I too love Yuri on Ice, best doggo 10/10.
It just makes him come off as a whiny asshole, honestly.
Is there a second source? I’d really like to know if these rather serious allegations are true. If so, I probably won’t buy Metal Gear 5
It was so good, I’m still too chickenshit to play it.
You know you watch too much anime when you can understand what they are saying...without knowing Japanese.
Why put multi-platform games? I'm pretty sure that in 8 years we can find 12 exclusives, they don't have to be legendary games, but at least the best 12 games in the console. Where's Forza? Tales of Vesperia (it was an exclusive), Lost Odyssey? Viva Pinata? Alan Wake? (it was an exclusive too) Then there's Banjo…
Pretty much in the same boat here. I got bored, wandered off. Solid game, but I was not overwhelmed with it.
Agreed. Ni No Kuni is pretty, but no must-play. I'd sooner recommend Blue Dragon.