
It's a 2d exploration and survival game. If you have the right equipment, you can build massive sanctuaries. It's more fun with friends.

Yep, that's how I used to feel in high school and it's precisely why I find this show so funny.

Sorry, but having seen what they've put together I don't see the quality bar being anywhere it should be. Mechanics wise the game is a mess.

Why does this site keep changing. It was just finally at a point that I didn't mind it anymore.

You really believe MS while holding a monopoly over the distribution of their platforms games would have had good sale prices? Anyways, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Now playing

The role of music is vital in any film, TV series, or anime. Simply put, the music tells you how you should feel about the images you are seeing.

first game from grandparents was on my 5th birthday was mario 3. My life was never the same.

Andras, if you think this was terrifying, probably don't watch the Exorcist. You'll most likely have a heart attack and die.

I hate cheese mostly. On Pizza it's a nice "spice". But otherwise can't stand it. Even on Lasange it sucks.

Oh bash. Screw all the haters who whine and complain about articles like these. Its posts like these that keep me coming back to Kotaku. Keep it up!

I'd call it suspicious.

It depends on what kind of games you like, TBH. If you want to see all of Sony's exclusives, wait for Tokyo Game Show.

Ohh I get it, trying to make up for no cockpit camera by giving you an actual cockpit.

Mainstream media which all have ties and parent companies with Microsoft in one way or another. Yeah, they're totally gonna call out the new Xbox out on it's faults a day after the release.

Actually, we likely did. We simply didn't have ready internet access to immediately start asking questions or jump to FAQs when we would get stuck.

I've always been partial to the backgrounds of Abe's Oddyssee/Exodus myself. I love the alien landscapes and the bizarre, towering industrial backgrounds

How could you not mention the Myst series? :/