Anybody else really like Viewtiful Joe? That game was my jam on GC.
Anybody else really like Viewtiful Joe? That game was my jam on GC.
The only thing that made it worth the play-through was the final boss battle with Ganon. It was visually pretty cool, but didn't compare to OoT or Wind Waker (my two series favorites)
Oh, well, that wasn't too bad then. I waited—good thing because Twighlight Princess is probably the weakest game in the entire Zelda series excepting the CD games
Haven't played XIII, but I agree with you VII wasn't my favorite (X was, mostly for the inexplicably fun blitzball minigame)
I really enjoyed that game until the end of Homicide desk. Then, when the serial killer turned out to be Count Chocula, I was over it. Never mind that people on the street seemed to be stalking you like you were a celebrity. In LA. Where there are actual celebrities. The facial recognition and voice acting were both…
Wait, weren't they released simultaneously? Nintendo has always had fairly strong launch titles, that is, until the Wii U.
When working at a mid-sized metro, at least half of the hospitals would refuse to give me patient conditions, and when I asked for a condition, the PR flacks would often refuse to even admit that the person is/was ever admitted to the hospital, despite the info being explicitly confirmed by the local law enforcement…
Highest I found in Texas (where you'd think the highest salaries would be) was 112k. Little old, so let's call it 120k.…
Part of me wonders if the NFL just made an LA expansion team (or if Khan would move the Jags there), it would solve a decent bit of this public (over)funding of stadiums. Once the LA market is covered, there would be an NFL franchise in every major city and owners would lose their biggest bargaining chip for new…
You might be able to question his passion at this point, but there's no questioning his talent. With poor conditioning this summer, he ran a 4.5 fourty and is 6-5 275. He got 4.5 sacks in a single game against this season's presumptive Heisman winner (Tajh Boyd) and he has been the most game-planned defensive player…
That happened to me when I walked like 10 blocks to find a Redbox with Diablo III. Guys who do that are dicks.
Getting your kid this game is like introducing him to Star Wars (the OG trilogy, not the prequels) for the first time. He'll absolutely love it—you might, too.
At some point, Shephard should have just been like, "Fuck this, I'm taking the stairs"
He ranked both varieties of Natty above it. Turrible.
I think it's because, in the end, the gameplay didn't stand up to what we've come to expect from Zelda. Twilight Princess felt more linear than any other Zelda game, and there just wasn't as much do do in the game outside the main quest line, especially coming from WW. And though I did enjoy it, It's the only Zelda…
I didn't know that. What part of town?
It sounds more like theere's a fourth console curse. Jaguar, Dreamcast & Gamecube all stack up better than N64 and PS3. Maybe Sony should be scared with the PS4?
I will say, however, that some of my favorite games of all time were on the Dreamcast and Gamecube.
or the woosh and blur resolve from "Intervention"
Yeah....not trying to spoil anything, but you should probably get the Leviathan DLC if you want that story.